Bart and Lisa thread

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Bart ass thread?

I miss it when bart and lisa were rivals at their worst and very cute together at their best. Nowadays, lisa has nothing but contempt for bart and bart being written as the hell raiser acts like a sociopath.

that's because Nu Simpsons writers are male feminists who despise and shit on Bart and glorify Lisa in every way

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They're sisters you perverted idiot!

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>They're sisters

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Hi Fairycosmo

Lisamania soon biiiiiiiiitch

Congrats Bart, you made Lisa be less uptight

He does draw the best Bart...

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Bart taught you well, Lisa

In the show, Bart and Lisa get along the best when they're accomplices in some kind of scheme or mystery or heist or something.

when they have nothing to do but go to school and be kids, they are jerks to each other

also, people who ship siblings are uncreative

Didn't FairyCosmo got angry with 8Horns?

>also, people who ship siblings are uncreative
It can't be worse or more unimaginative than lesbian shipping.

eh? why?
They're on the same team...

damn that's sad to hear

>people who ship anything are uncreative

No, this is now a Cecil and Bob thread.

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Name a single time that Lisa actively harmed her own future prospects to help out Bart.

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They give me fetish

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Would Lisa make a good accomplice with Bart, provided that Bart trains her to go from goody two-shoes to brat?

few things disgust me as much as ''male feminists''

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You wish.
How long do you think before he learns about his prostate?