Duck Thread

Yes it is too late, but to all those who are celebrating at the moment and who will be celebrating (Catholic and Orthodox Easter are separated) and who love Donald Duck and his Duckverse world, and especially comics, I wish you a Happy Easter! What is your favorite Duckverse moment (can everything, just not Nu-Ducktales except Fenton, Gladstone Gander and Mark Beaks, since they are the only good characters) and which one would you like for Easter?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck is that Magica lookalike on the right?

Speaking of Paperino this weeks free Topolino comics are up

Screenshot of new episode of Ducktales 2017

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Why is Webby wearing a coat and gloves in a tropical setting

Angones, get out! And happy Easter!

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Folks, we need to get more involved in this. It's not like many people don't know comics or celebrate Easter?

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Thread is doing fine user, Duck Threads are slow burning affairs usually and are slower in nature

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>Dickie Duck in Ducktales never

It feels slower than usual.

>Dickie Duck in Ducktales never
Dickie? God forbid, they ruin almost every original character except Fenton and Gladstone. Why did Steelbeak feel so idiotic? I know he was an idiot in the original too, but not that much. What's next? To ruin a Daisy Duck?!

Steelbeak was always the worst DW villain. Not much to ruin there.

It'll ramp up tremendously the more info on the new episode pops up.

And how do you explain the destruction of Don Karnage?! In Talespin Don Karnage did not behave as he did in the Ducktales reboot.

I never watched Nutales. Just saying that Steelbeak was a shitty villain in the original show anyway.

Very sad! That Nu-Dukktales destroys everything. It reminds me of that meme when a death mower goes and kills everyone when it enters through a door, until it reaches a certain door.

Then I apologize for this. Everyone has the right to their taste. To me Steelbeak was not the worst or the best villain. To me, the best villain is Negaduck.

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>What is your favorite Duckverse moment (can everything, just not Nu-Ducktales except Fenton, Gladstone Gander and Mark Beaks, since they are the only good characters)
Why are you trying to be an elitist in a fucking duck thread? Who gives a shit if people want to discuss DT17, itll give the thread more traffic anyways.

Steelbeak's like the evil older brother Panchito hasn't heard from in a while and I love him.

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I know right, they're both so cute.

But who is your least favorite?

The one who fights Comet Guy and looks like that bad boy from Pinocchio, I forgot his name. He is the villain I love last, and before him, Phineas Sharp, though he (Jonathan Harris) is a good voice actor. These are the two villains that I find least pleasing.

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I definitely agree. And there are some people who are not interested in Disney Duckverse. Otherwise, I like Fethry, he's so cute.

This Steelbeak is more better.

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Comic based threads are usually slower because there isn't as much easily available new content being pumped out

I like her but I can’t figure out how this would even work
>To ruin a Daisy Duck
This sounds like a porn title

>What's next? To ruin a Daisy Duck?!
Tune in like 2 weeks from now!

I thought you guys always hated Daisy so how can they even ruin her?

I don't hate Daisy Duck. Where did you get that? I know others hate it, but I don't. I said this because they destroy almost every character in Ducktales with a totally different person, so I worry about Daisy as well. By the way, she has a really great design and nice hair and clothes, but I'm worried about how she will treat Donald. And they portray him this badly.

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Yas Forums isn't one person

Does anyone know about what carl banks or don rosa uses to ink? I really love the art in the comics.

The D23 LOT3C panel's been officially uploaded

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not that guy but I’ve never seen anyone in any of these threads say they like Daisy as a character