What do you think is the population size of the avatar world in aangs time. Is it something like this?

What do you think is the population size of the avatar world in aangs time. Is it something like this?
earth kingdom: 150 million
fire nation+colonies: 25 million
water tribes: 1 million
airbenders: none obviously, maybe 100k before the genocide?

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Avatar Probably has the most boring fictional world i've ever seen

I've always thought it was stupid how we never saw any mixed people. Like, surely there would be firebenders that were Earth Kingdom citizens, and vice versa. Zuko being a firebender shouldn't have been concrete evidence he was with the fire nation. Obviously we got that with LoK, but it should've been present in the OG series. I guess there were the swamp benders, but that was it. Maybe everyone was just racist back then.

The population disparities between nations is also really stupid. There weren't anywhere near 1 million people in the water tribes. 100 thousand at most, as with the airbenders. If the four elements are supposed to balance each other out, you'd think the amount of benders for each element would be roughly even.

Yeah, it's pretty dumb. The writing is what makes it good, and Ehasz deserves most of the credit for that.

>airbenders were the jews
6 million.

did the fire nation still have better technology during Korra's time?

>There weren't anywhere near 1 million people in the water tribes
In the northern city no. But maybe there were more spread out

With the exceptions of the Water Tribes, it's likely that differences between the nations are more cultural than genetic.

It would be funny if Ozai or Azula looked into their family tree and found out that previous generations of Fire Lords often married EK princesses and took WT concubines.

I'm sure there were, but there's only so many people a village out in the tundra can comprise of. The main city would have to be the majority of the population, and there were only like, 50k maybe? The South pole didn't have a major city at the time.

So if two firebenders moved to the earth kingdom and had a baby, could that baby then be an earthbender? I feel that there must be some genetic component to the inheritance of bending.

I think (and this is just supposition based on my intuitive conclusions) that the FN home islands may not have had "better" tech by the time of LoK but their tech and what it did for the average standard of living was much higher than the other parts of the world, especially in the shattered Earth Kingdom(s) where you had a huge gap between the haves and have-nots.

history shows large mixing of peoples wasnt very common outside of very obvious time points and even today mixed race is a very small percentage comparitively.

Considering that a bunch of EK citizens became Airbenders, it's not outside the realm of probability for a person of FN heritage to be an Earthbender.
It's most likely that the people of the FN and EK have a common ancestry and these ancestors split off to form the proto-FN and the proto-EK. The proto-AN might have been a later split from the EK people.

That's not quite true. If you look at human history, you'll find quite alot of mixing of peoples. Although, these are the results of mass migrations/invasions.

What would have happened if a fire bender developed other bending in Ang’s era? Would they be shunned by society or outright executed?

sokka sword master was banished from his family for be a non bender.
be a bender on fire nation was a huge thing,
the fire lord needed to be the best fire bender, i belive that it was to a point that if another fire bender managed to defeat the fire lord on a duel the winner could take the throne.
after the air nomands they were the people with the biggiest bending population.

I don't think it quite works like that. It's not like a Fire bender can change to an Earth bender, but someone of FN heritage can become a Earth bender.
Remember that bending seems to be tied to spirituality and culture.

yeh, but there were nobles who werent benders as well. i dont think you could just challenge the fire lord with no cause
>after the air nomands they were the people with the biggiest bending population.
Why would they have more then the earth kingdom? Sure benders might be somewhat more common, but still lower then the water tribes

Beginnings puts a nail to that by having all the proto-nations already be separated, with each living in Lion Turtles and then just fucking off to settle somewhere else with their only displayed interactions being war.
As far as the shows go mixing does not happen till the Fire Nation established colonies.
Only in things like the Kyoshi books Di Martino goes back to say "But ackshually Avatar world is not composed of millenary ethnostates since Kyoshi's mother was an airbending nun and her father an earthbender, see".
Avatar's worldbuilding was pure vanilla that turned into dogshit the more they tried to develope it.

i've always thought that the people of kyoshi island were a mix of earth and water folks, given that a lot of them wear blue-colored clothes, as opposed to the earthly tones worn by the other earth kingdom characters.
There is also the fact that you see a few of them have blue eyes (like Suki), which, if i can trust my memory, only found in water tribe peoples.

Probably. Guru Pathik is one of the few Indian characters in the show so either people with his ethnicity reside in the mountainous regions of the world like the Airbenders or the Earth Kingdom is more diverse than it's presented.

>Although, these are the results of mass migrations/invasions
I'm fairly certain that's what user meany by "very obvious time points"

I think it is pretty clearly implied, even if never outright said, that Ty lee is at least part air nomad
>chubby cheeks
>rounder chin
>big gray eyes
>potato nose

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why do people always forget that in the original series the fire nation was in the brink of winning the war?
>air nomads extinct
>southern water tribe, reduced to 20 people and A SINGLE WATER BENDER
>basically the entire earth kingdom is crawling with firebender except Omashu and Ba Sing Se

which is why trying to make a MUH LORE spinoff show set in a completely separate era, instead of a spinoff show that capitalized on already existing characters, was a complete and utter mistake

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it makes perfect sense that the kingdoms kept themselves segretated on elemental lines.
"subverting" this trope made Korra shit, and made the already flimsy worldbuilding even worse.

I miss this show.
So damn much.

I would wager only a few million. The air nomads probably had a hundred thousand like you suggest, but the fire nation and its colonies would only number a couple million. The Water tribe less than a million. The Earth Kingdom would sit lofty with 12-15 million

Attached: world map of Avatar.jpg (3250x1950, 2.84M)

Technically the entire hispanic community is mixed race.

Attached: Avatar map and provinces.jpg (3250x1950, 1.4M)

Are those official?

The world was pretty much isolated because of war and cultural differences. Later, when the Fire nation was dismanteled the borders opened and made easier race mixing.