ITT: Underrated waifus

ITT: Underrated waifus

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There's like 50 threads on this character in last two months
Some waifus don't even get threads

there needs to be more

Attached: honey.jpg (584x512, 69.58K)

>Is forgotten

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Attached: Ruby Gloom.png (340x533, 101.95K)

Yas Forums has been victim of r6ddit tourism since the lockdown

Most competent, most vulnerable

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Cyborg is a fucking pleb

Attached: Jinx.jpg (600x500, 37.22K)

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>since the lockdown
started way before that

Not on this board dude

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>Having more than one waifu
Get off my board you disgusting swine.

Who is your one true waifu?

kill yourself

Jin is easily the most overrated. She has no real character, she's just a pair of jugs that insists on being with a main character and ends up fading into irrelevancy that same episode.


she is not underrated on Yas Forums so she doesn't belong in this thread

oh no no no no

Well, fuck. If you want to be relevant again then some new content is going to have to come out.

God the things I would do to her

more like underage for most of them.

Attached: animaniacs.png (1206x900, 1.05M)

That looks like a child.

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Attached: Animaniacs.png (1018x712, 803.48K)

I will never know why much Yas Forums didn't fall for Xandra while they are mad obsessed with less sexualized and developed characters like Cleopatra
When was the last kids character who had visible cleavage?

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this count?

Attached: Titeuf elodie the ex cleavage ensub na.webm (640x344, 1.82M)