The virgin Hazbin hotel

The virgin Hazbin hotel
The chad smiling friends

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I don't get the joke when he throw up and kept apologizing for ruining it.
what is it?

He was holding it in like how you hold a fart

he thought he ruined the dinner and was apologizing know, back in rotten tomatoes we had a saying when Armond White gave a typically contrarian review mean to insight chaos on the now defunct comment feature:

Release the Kraken.

I like em both. both real funny. like em both really. can't get enough of either. hope both of em get picked up. can't choose between one and the other, both are good. love hazbin, love smiling, love em both. can't choose one over the other. both are good. got a lot of love for both. vivzie zach michael et al. it's all good. allen, angel dust, pim, vaggie, both got a charlie and I like both charlies. like em both, no issue. can't decide between one or the other, I see one I see the other I like em both. I hope there's lots of episodes of both of em, not just one. styles are different, but both good styles. all good. got some fun stuff. funny jokes. like em both really. watch one, watch the other, enjoy both. can't say ones a virgin and ones a chad, they're both chads in my book. I just love em. both of em are about organizations trying to help people, both got an idealistic character, both got a charlie, but they're so different you can't compare em. Like em both, personally.

you ok, fat?

Tumblr Style vs Newgrounds Style?
Pass on both

him vomiting is a pretty minor inconvenience in comparison to the utter chaos going on in the rest of the house. he just felt self conscious and overplayed the importance of it. probably just a small joke about overly self conscious people

Well, that post above me about animation styles is obvious bait. I certainly hope nobody falls for it and starts a shitflinging contest that goes for 200 (you)s before the thread dies

they're just both good. op's saying one's a virgin and one's a chad, but really I just like em both. both are pilots, I hope they both get picked up and have long satisfying runs. I got no hatred for one or the other, I like em both. having fun at daveland, inside of every demon is a rainbow, musical stuff. two charlies, but each charlie fills different roles. hazbin charlie is pim, smiling charlie is vaggie. angel dust and allen got no equivalents. radio demon, nifty, that drunk guy, no equivalent. still, good shows both. can't say one's good and one's bad, I just gotta say that both shows are very good. hazbin hotel is a lot more like a kids cartoon that has adult themes like swearing and sex, while smiling friend's is what I'd consider a more typical adult cartoon. interesting thinking about both how they play off one another and are different yet the same yet different. see one it's good, see the other it's good, because ultimately both of them are very good and I hope the creators are very successful and have long running shows that don't get to flanderized or bland or meddled with or unfunny or in any other way shape or form inferior to the pilot version of the show that we've seen. like em both.

the virgin hazbin shill vs the virgin smilling friends shill

his shirt says Alpha, he's clearly some strong looking "chad" and then they subverted your expectation by making him sound like a little bitch instead.

Smiling friends doesn't really need shilling since it's very likely that Adult Swim will pick it up and have already said they're in the process of doing so. Hazbin on the other hand will be borderline impossible to pitch unless Vivzie is willing to make significant changes with the artstyle/character design/writing

>Tumblr Style
It's Deviantart style. Get it right.

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you talk way too much but i agree, both are cool despite having incomparable styles

Have you never seen a drunk slut or over-eager loser start vomiting on a night out? It's classic Aussie Cusack humour

>Newgrounds Style
What does this even mean? that its ugly? It makes more sense to call it the Adult Swim style since they've made their bread n butter with hideous low effort animated shows.

Both are dogshit

Mr.Biden you have a campaign to run.

I had to

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Holy shit.

I have a pet theory he had a different line but Tom said that after fucking up a line so they used it.

I remember when that joke was about David Owen.

the same person watches both, and rick and morty.
all of this is cringe.

it wasn't newgrounds style, that's why it was bad.
it was adult swim style.

I saved this.