Only the best references thread

only the best references thread

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Oh wow, no one's ever made an Edward Hopper reference in a comic or cartoon before.

You’re not impressing anyone, user.

Invader Zim is one of my favorite shows of all time.

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he's not wrong

What's the earliest in comics/cartoons?

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References are dumb and only bring cartoons down

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I'm pretty impressed to be honest

This is a reference to something?

A big ole DICK

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And this whole fight scene.

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Yeah, but no one's actually made it as relevant as "Hey Arnold!":

>Helga Pataki : [as she looks at a painting on the wall of Dr. Bliss's office] Nice picture. You like Edward Hopper?
>Dr. Bliss : I do.
>Helga Pataki : Yeah, he's okay. He's a little simple, though. And what's his deal with women, anyway?
>Dr. Bliss : That's pretty astute for a 4th grader.

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does this count?

Plus Captain Harlock

Gotta wonder how many kids watching this had even seen Pirates of Penzance...

It would probably be easier to list the things in SU that aren't just lifted from some anime, user.

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I love the Pietà
it's clichè but it works for me every time

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doo-doo and chocolate

It's not a reference when it's shamelessly stealing
Take away all the anime "influence" from Steven universe and what do you have left?

>Cartoon does the gunbarrel sequence
Unironically love that shit

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Pretty sure the ep with Ronaldo had a Nichijou reference when he wakes up Steven and hits something across the room. The stare afterwards.

Futurama comics did some references that caught me by surprise.

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