Fuck, Marry, Kill
Fuck, Marry, Kill
Fuck Azula
Marry Ty Lee
Kill Mai.
I can't decide if the hate sex would be better with azula or mai. I feel like they're both equally likely to kill me after.
That's why I would marry Ty Lee.
Mary mai
Fuck ty lee
Kill azula.
The correct tastes.
Fuck: Azula
Marry: Mai
Kill: Ty Lee
marry azula, and watch the other two fight to the death.
This is the best way to divvy them up.
Imagine Ty Lee as your loving wife.
imagine all the cocks your loving wife Ty Lee will be taking while you're at work.
Fuck Ty Lee, Marry Mai, Kill Azula.
Doing anything else with Azula is asking for trouble and Ty Lee isn't going to settle down.
Assuming you can kill Azula, otherwise marry her and kill Mai instead.
If your own dick isn't enough to satisfy your wife all by itself you need to work harder.
some women will ride the cock carousel no matter what and ty lee is one of them.
But she's so nice.
I kind of hate these three characters as a trio. they are the most cliche girl group imaginable.
but she's a skank
I swing both ways so I'm willing to share her.
Mai and Ty Lee needed an episode to themselves to flesh them out better.
they should get in line behind Azula
All of a sudden I'm imagining these three as the Heathers. Obviously Azula is Heather Chandler.
exactly why i dont like them. cliche.
Ty Lee in a schoolgirl outfit does things to me.
wignat version of ATM is interesting
Who's Veronica in this scenario?
Ty Lee would be a good wife.
can't think of a clever name for their group.
ozai's angels is terrible so dont suggest it.
Patrician taste.
Holy FPBP, Batman