What is Yas Forums currently reading from the big 2 during quarantine?

What is Yas Forums currently reading from the big 2 during quarantine?

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The Legend of Wonder Woman 1986, Far Sector and Batman Universe, after that I'll be reading Wonder Woman 1987 by George Perez, Batman Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison and Superman for all seasons (or whatever its called)

I have had two volumes of Manga sitting next to my bed for a little over a year, I'll read them some day probably

reading gillen's iron man. greg land art makes it difficult.

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This is probably the best thread to ask so I’ll try not to hijack from /op/. There anything recent from the big 2 thats readable?

>This is probably the best thread to ask so I’ll try not to hijack from /op/. There anything recent from the big 2 thats readable?
It's not exactly recent, but did you try Gwenpool? Best comic written by someone who actually likes comics I've read in a long time. The middle of the run is kinda weak, but the beginning and end are great.

Also I'm talking about the first collection. Unbelievable Gwenpool. Also lots of fags will say it sucks and it's a gimmick and it's gay, but they haven't read it.

The Terrifics is fucking incredible and Justice Leagie Dark is fun, Grant Morrisons Green Lantern just entered its second season and its straight up amazing, I've also really enjoyed Far Sector but it's not for everyone

I haven't read it but I can confirm that's it's just a gimmick and is fucking gay

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Really hard to get sarcasm across over text

>The Darkness
>Red Sonja V2
>Moore Swamp Thing

Promethea and Swamp Thing are incredible, I'm finding I'm leaning to Promethea being more of a fav for me.

What year is that Starman run from? Anything I should read before I tackle it?

94, and not nessecary to read anything else, but it does tie into Wagner's Sandman Mystery Theater if you want to read that before.

>Promethea and Swamp Thing are incredible
If you like your Moore without so much dreariness and pretension (even if they are excellent books), try Top 10 and Tom Strong. Similarly clever, but a lot more fun.

That said, OP said Big 2. Has everything Moore's written been gobbled up by DC?

Just read Ewing's Ultimates and the sequel series for the first time. It was annoying having it get derailed twice by shitty events

From Hell, Providence

Promethea was America's Best Comics, which was Wildstorm, which is now DC.

Reading for first time Geoff Johns JSA
Rereading Streets of Gotham & American Vampire

>Promethea was America's Best Comics, which was Wildstorm, which is now DC.
Shit so that means Tom Strong and Top 10 could show up in the DC Universe some day? Man, nothing is sacred.

Original New Mutants run, and also Nausicaa.

>Tom Strong and Top 10 could show up in the DC Universe some day?
user I...I'm sorry

I would add the last issue of Immortal Hulk was fantastic

Tom Strong has been in The Terrifics for a while.

>Tom Strong has been in The Terrifics for a while.
Aw, man. Well, at least I've heard The Terrifiics is good. And I already like Plas and Rex. Maybe I'm going to have to read it. No wonder Moore is so cranky.

recently started reading Thorgal and holy shit is it amazing! Just started tome 5 but everything from 2-4 has been blowing me away, it's such solid storytelling and great art. The way each story is very different but able to give the same level of excitement from very different angles is very impressive.

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It's worth the read, solid chance you'll adore it and even if you dont its unlikely you'll hate it

I generally avoid Marvel (my own stupid reasons) but I have been reading the odd issue when it gets storytimed on here. Honestly I'll probably have to just read the entire thing, it's that good

he is part of the holy trinity. 3 being of fabulous origins, coming to earth by tragedy.

kal-el, kakarot and thorgal.

''the archers'' is still my favorite album

never been that interested in the big 2.
most of the thing i read are from others like image comics or dark horses.

Scream: Curse of Carnage and Morbius have been great. Also Hickman and co’s x stuff

this page from The Archer is so fucking amazing! So far I think my fav is the one where his son created the imaginary friend that haunts them. It really gave me the creaps

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