What episode of the Simpsons jumped the shark for you?

What episode of the Simpsons jumped the shark for you?

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The X-Files episode.

Dunno, still watch it despite hating it. Majority of episodes kinda just reconfirm to me that The Simpsons is pretty much dead. That being said there's like 3-4 episodes a season that are still pretty entertaining even if it doesn't feel like classic Simpsons.

Lisa Goes Gaga was the tipping point.

The Prinicpal and the Pauper.

I wanna say The Twisted World of Marge Simpson. While there were some good episodes after it, it definitely felt like something was off around that point.

Boys of bummer. It was just one gigantic shitting on bart episode over a baseball game. Most of the jokes weren't funny either. It wouldn't have been the first time bart got shat on, but previous episodes found a way to make it funny.

A lot of people say When You Dish Upon A Star, but I never minded that episode much because Simpsons didn't really lean into the guest star thing with such blatant cynicism yet, so at that point it was kinda funny watching Homer annoy two normal people like Frank Grimes just not as good. My Money's on Saddlesore Galactica, although the cracks started showing in earlier episodes

It was kind of late in the game, but I remember the one of the last episode I watched being the one where Bart was good at drumming, and eventually that made Lisa jealous so she or some animal broke his arm or something and he ended up apologizing to her for stealing her thunder or some shit. I remember it was that one because the gag at the end with Maggie blowing out a nice tune on a trumpet had Lisa then rip out the horn and replace it with the pacifier.

The other one that made me outright hate the show was the one where Bart misses a catch and the town fucking piles on to him until he is completely suicidal and that's played for laughs.
I think it probably hit me really hard because the rerun episode they played before that was the one where Bart studies his ass off but still fails the test, but he proves that he worked hard and Krabappel bumped his grade up.
So I was really feeling sympathetic for Bart in general.

The one with Tony Hawk.

This one.

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I don't know why but, when Lisa became a vegetarian, I'm still baffled at myself even now.

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Fun fact: The Paul McCartney lawyers check up from time to time to see if Lisa is still a vegetarian as promised.

Easily "She of Little Faith".
It was season 13 by that point, a good chunk past the golden age, and well into its "every month needs a celebrity" episode schtick.

Admittedly, I really didn't like it because I was a good Christian boy, and I wanted the things I like to be like me, be it around my age, a boy, a christian, white, ect.

But seeing it multiple times in the last 20 years its other things.
One, I know the Simpsons lack continuity, and Lisa's kind of always been a black sheep/I have to be unique and counter, but Lisa in several episodes before identified and agreed with Christianity. She as a good little Christian girl who was afraid of Hell when Homer stole cable. She told Bart to go study because she believed God gave him a snowday. And more.
So for her to be turned away from Christianity because Burns ruined the church was bullshit.

Two, celebrity shit, so fucking sick of it.
Three, Richard Gere. Why? It was 2001. No one has given a fuck about Richard Gere since Pretty Woman in 1990, other than the gerbil up the ass rumor.
Four, it made Lenny and Carl buddhists too, for no reason, they even say they have no clue what the fuck buddha or buddhism is. Pretty sure we've seen them in the background at church before too.
Five, its a shit episode all together. Bart and Homer accidently burn down the church with a model rocket HYUK. Burns makes it commerical with ads and shit. BOO. Lisa decides to throw her whole religion away over Burns, the Church and the congregation allowing this; instead you know finding a new church or a new denomination. The podunk town of Springfield just happens to have a LARGE buddhist temple. Hollywood A-lister Richard Gere just happens to be in podunk Springfield at that temple. Lenny and Carl are dumb buddhist HYUK. Marge is worried about Lisa AGAIN. Lets bribe her with Christmas. Oh Lisa, don't you know buddhism is the perfect religion because its nice to other religions, you can celebrate Christmas. Where's my pony?

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Why do they always seem to make Lisa chubby in promotional art?

Wait, Paul McCartney is the reason Lisa's a vegetarian?

It was his condition for being a guest star

What a faggot

This. That was the first Simpsons episode that made me angry by the end.

Join the Navy was the first episode I remember noticing it wasn't funny.

I don't think there was a single jump the shark moment, just a slow gradual decline.

Lisa ate bugs in an episode from a few years back

“She of Little Faith” was Lisa the Vegetarian Redux with a bit of Homer the Heretic thrown in.

When they stopped showing female nudity.

>watching simpsons past season 9

The episode where Marge hits Homer with a car and then Homer has to apologize to her. Even more bizarre is that the joke they ended on was "And now for our Fre-I mean, AMERICAN catering staff!" and then all these guys come out saying "Oui, Oui, Oui" and doing the French stereotype laugh.
What even is the joke? Why is he hiding that they are French? What's the fucking gag?

Season 9, apart from like two or three 'meh'pisodes is a great finale to the series.

The one with the jockeys

It was the episode when the writers admitted that the show was never going to be allowed to end on a high note.

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