ITT: web cartoons you grew up watching.
ITT: web cartoons you grew up watching
Joe cartoon is kino.
I was practically raised on this shit. That and the Demented Cartoon Movie, but that’s for another time.
My older brother introduced me to it, and I remember going to that website every day to watch whatever new was posted, even during the great drought I still frequently checked the website, hoping beyond hope for an update. I’m really glad for the creators that they got jobs in the industry, and am EXCEEDINGLY glad that they started making Homestar content again, albiet slowly and mostly as in character tweets from Strong Bad, but it’s something, right?
I think I still have a physical copy of the telltale game that was made for it, which is still the best thing Telltale ever made.
Badger badger badger badger...
still holds up desu
JoeCartoon and Happy Tree Friends are the reason I'm the warped person I am today.
I recall being in my middle school's computer lab, some kid found some random ass web url that had a bunch of flash games and movies, It this cartoon, the banana boat parody with Osama, it had fuck her gently, and it had Unreveal tournament.
Good times.
The Noob Adventures
Was anyone else obsessed with Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny in middle school?
LEGO stop motion count?
I was really obsessed with the whole stick figure fights/comedy genre as a kid.
Everything on Stick Page and XGEN Studios was the funniest shit in the world to me for some reason.
Same here. I was there the day they came back, April 1st, 2014. Blew my damn mind. Love this little dude, too.
This and Red vs Blue
>Newgrounds style
Only you.
I think I built so much of my sense of humor as a kid around Homestar and RVB quotes that I was incredibly annoying to be around for a few years.
>A blue glowing spider? GET IT OFF!
Fucking love Foamy. My parents introduced me to it. Why my literal boomer parents were on Newgrounds is a mystery to me.
Who else couldn't watch web cartoons because of bad internet?
I want to go back, bros
Didn't he remove all his original stuff and package it on a DVD?
I am not exaggerating when I say that Bonus Stage taught me to laugh. Before Bonus Stage, I would watch cartoons, take note of the jokes, and quietly appreciate them without any physical reaction, like Bart Simpson in the episode where he sells his soul. The jokes in Bonus Stage were hit and miss, but they were being thrown at me constantly, and the timing and delivery were unlike anything I'd ever seen.
They're called brickfilms, zoomer
The creator also used to trash-talk cartoons on ToonZone until someone who happened to share his name got blacklisted from the industry.
Also, he’s “non-binary” now.
rubbing sticks and stones together makes the sparks ignite
and the thought of loving you is getting so exciting
afternoon delight
I wish I could go back... back to the past