MCU time travel doesn't make a lick of sense

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Time travel in general doesn't make sense, what's your point?

Don't be retarded. Even fictional things can have consistent rules.

you're suppose to shut up and enjoy the movie

How are the rules not consistent within the movie?

I don't know I was just pointing out your stupid response.

>>another MCU hate thread
Is that you, Tommy? Are you off your meds?

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The only people who don’t understand MCU time travel rules are complete brainlets

Yeah there's some weird spamming at work here.

Anyway I at least understood their time travel rules

Not that user but you're not exactly pointing that they don't make sense.
Do you have a point where it is contradicting previously established things?

Also I will say it was stupid that shrinking particals making things move slower in the microverse meaning things can move backwards too was stupid.

Time travel NEVER makes sense in any form of media.

They also broke their own time travel rule. Only way Steve could had appear on that bench was if it was a time loop. But that would violate the established time travel rule that they specific created.

It wasn't even my response, I just want to know why you think it doesn't make sense?

>Time travel creates parallel universes!
>Somehow all the shit they changed in the past doesn't affect them and they arrive to the Snap timeline without complications.

They jump into subspace, where time doesn't work normally. Leaving subspace can put you at any point in time randomly. Tony created a GPS that makes it so leaving subspace at specific place in subspace puts you in a desired time.

These time travel rules aren't a result of cause and effect like you would see in Back To The Future.

Imagine the flow of time illustrated as a man with a stack of tiles in his hand, and each time he lays down a tile in front of him, he progresses. Time travel into the future is impossible, as it does not exist and is merely a ball of infinite potentiality. Now say this person doesn't like something that happened on the tile path, or his personal past. He can go back and remove the tile, or change it (kill baby thanos), but it ultimately doesn't change the path at all, merely the tile. The present is the only thing that matters in this explanation.

Any of this making sense?

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If you change the past, your timeline is unaffected, you just make a new timeline you’re not involved in

It makes more sense than other forms of time travel.

The time travel logic make perfect sense. It creates alternative timelines.

This , they move over time with a compass that allows them to reach any point in time. Each timeline has precise coordinates. How can they find these coordinates has not been explained , i think, but as time travel works, that is explained at last three times.
it's terrifying that there are people that cannot go beyond the concept of Back to the future.

it's not like that one system is fairer than the other being both fantasy physics

>They also broke their own time travel rule
No, they didn't.
>Only way Steve could had appear on that bench was if it was a time loop
False. he just came from his alt timeline. There is no need for time-loop.

It makes sense, it's just a little convoluted. It will never not be hilarious how the old Cap scene goes for "ooooh he never went back to the present and instead lived his life normally and got old!!!!" realization, which is FALSE. What really happened was
>Cap lived his life normally and got old in another timeline, found the Pym/Banner of his own dimension and asked them to construct a similar device (or maybe they were already working on it) to transport him briefly to his original timeline JUST SO THAT HE CAN SIT ON THE BENCH DRAMATICALLY AND SURPRISE SAM AND BUCKY, after which he presumably goes back to that another timeline
I believe this is actually the canonical explanation by the writer posted shortly after the movie premiered. Like you wanted to have a cool scene that contradicted the rules of your time travel so badly you had to make up such a convoluted explanation. Was it worth it?

The problem is that movie viewers are somewhat conditioned by a certain set of timeline rules. Most fiction depicts the ability to travel to the future, which is something missing from Avengers time travel rules.

Then why bother bringing the stones back to those time-lines? Why grab the stones from multiple universes and not just one? Why only save your own universe? Why not warn the other universes of what was going to happen and how to stop Thanos before the snap? Why is there a set amount of jumps they can make when theirs an infinite amount of universe to take pym particles from? If they're alternate universes how did Cap live out his life grow old and return to the same universe he was in? why use a time travel plot if all it does is confuse audiences and removes tension?

>Most fiction depicts the ability to travel to the future, which is something missing from Avengers time travel rules.
Past Thanos traveled to the future where he is dead.

No matter where you are in time, that is your present. Anything that has already happened is your past and cannot be changed, so if you change something all you do is create an alternate future because time is relative the observer.

This is a bait, right?

He goes back to drop off the stones they took and then just doesn't come back after his chores. Gets married. Has a good life with Peggy. Doesn't break any time travel rules, just went back and stayed out of history's way. Literally the next time you see Steve after that trip is when he's sat on the bench.

It makes perfect sense. They go back and the changes they propagate create alternate branching realities. You can't actually travel back in time for that specific reason - if you weren't there the first time, you aren't there just because you travel back to a point in time. That's an alternate timeline, a different universe with a different future, one which you don't actually originate from; it's literally the foundational thing you should have learned when studying temporal paradoxes, which of course you have studied OP because you're a big-time philosopher who understands the conceptual problems with time travel.

Because if you don't take it back to those timelines, the Thanoses of those timelines will come looking for the stones in your universe, and you no longer have infinite power to fuck 'em with.

The best thing to do was traveling back in time to the battle of Wakanda when Thanos took all the jems and cut off his arm or head. It s incredible that nobody ever thought of it.

The only complicated thing might be for Cap to return some gems, but for the rest, their time travels makes perfectly sense.

Steve lived his life with Peggy in an alternate universe then came back to give Sam the shield at the end of his life.

No, he followed the Avengers to their present.

>Then why bother bringing the stones back to those time-lines?
The Ancient literally spell it out for you, Removing the stones might send those timelines to a doomed path, so they have the responsibility to bring them back after having used them.

And he went to his future

Because, do not get angry, it's a stupid idea.
The one in Wakanda was a convulsing situation in full siege, Thanos with an army afterwards and undoubtedly more powerful than ever.

There were too many risks and variables that anything could go wrong again .
they deliberately chose safer situations and especially without Thanos around, because they were clearly still afraid of him.

>Why grab the stones from multiple universes and not just one?
They had limited jumps allowed, so they picked the points in time where they could get most of the stones.

No he didn't. He was dead, it's not his future.

Yes it is, if you go 100 years into the future, you’re supposed to be dead but you time traveled. That’s the point of time traveling. To see shit after you’re supposed to die