How do you explain the explosion in abhuman abominations in modern fictional media? Do these authors of heresy really intend to assail the purity of the human form as shaped by the divine in addition to their war on normative sexuality and gender? If my will and purity are not strong enough to resist such vile temptation I... Emperor protect us...
Suffer not the Xeno, Mutant, Abhuman or Deviant to live
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the emperor is a tranny faggot who gets railes by slaanesh miasma-tentacle-pussy-cock on the regular in the grimiest stinkiest dark room of the sketchiest daemon gay disco of the warp. fuck off.
Episode 19 tonight
I meant question.
Where can i watch this on streaming
Nobody is subbing this show. Stop asking.
Burn the Witch
Some Yas Forums coomer shopped the giant gag tits on the fish lady, right?
Her parents are dykes which lends to the theory that she's of an all-female species that need to mate with human males for reproduction. Except she's as good as telling human sexes apart as you are fish.
>How do you explain the explosion in abhuman abominations in modern fictional media?
I don't. I don't know why I would.
i may be mentally enslaved vapour but that doesnt make the emperor's ass any less gaping and loose. he must be leaking psycher souls like crazy.
Curse the Abominable Intelligence
They usually came out in the mornings, so I'm guessing the usual uploader wasn't able to.
Feeding sexual desire only makes the fire stronger. We run out of all valid outlets for the beast with the burning crotch. In our desperation to keep it at bay, we use novelty to distract it until it inevitably consumes us.
Did episode 19 air today?
One user in last thread said that ep19 should be today. Maybe poles skipped it because of Easter.
You're an idiot following Lorgar's bastardization of the Emperor's dogma.
The Emperor decreed anything of human bloodline to be human and worth protecting. This includes all abhumans and mutants, including Ratlings and Ogryn and Squats, and also the explicitly anthro Abhumans like Felinids and Goatmen and junk.
Rooting for the inquisition is rooting for one of the more explicitly evil factions in 40k. If you tried to exterminatus a species of friendly titty-fish abhumans into oblivion and the Space Wolves, Salamanders, Ultramarines or any of their kin found out about it, you'd be shredded by chainswords and bolter rounds in a jiffy.
Yes, and it's a Yosira episode.
Link? :)
Unfortunately I have no link. Sorry.
I took the screenshot of this episode (it's a fun scene transition).
Neat. Does anything big plot-wise happen? It's almost the end of the season and I fear they won't cover all the big events.
We see more explicitly non-human species because the cultural perception of acceptable characters is broadening.
The barrier between cartoonish removal from reality and realism is weakening and we see more readiness to accept the ugly and different.
Imagine The Shape of Water was made 50 years earlier.
I think yeah, we have a cool character development for Yosira (she joins the mission and kick ass), a green-powered khopesh that Octavian has and also we discover a factory ship where Octavian's evil robots are made.
It was a great episode, but I think you should wait for the English version since Polish is a very difficult language.
>fun scene transition
Robot girls are better