>Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post. >Keep requests Yas Forums related and keep them concise. >General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads. >However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon. >Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled. >Drawfriends, don't hold back. >If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. >Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread. >No one is entitled to a request delivery. >Don't fight spam with spam. >No begging. >To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit. >Have fun!