A quiet transition (this is 10% of the chapter)
Bittersweet Candy Bowl - bcb
Other urls found in this thread:
Lucy hasn't been in the same room with Rachel since one year ago at her 15th birthday party as she was only there because Daisy invited her because Lucy only has two female friends.
In another small connection to a previous chapter Lucy seems to have received the same kind of cake as last year.
Imagine being this spiteful towards a fictional character that you created. Imagine ignoring the canon that you yourself wrote in order to act as though said character actually thinks his friends would ever pick him over Lucy.
I hope patreanon isn't kill yet. I don't think we're ever going back to three updates per week.
They aren't "friends", they are massive cunts
If Mike leaves school when he graduates and ignores these fuckers the rest of his life while they have endless drama he's the true winner in all this
Taeshi seems to be aiming for a lowest-common-denominator of "Mike a shit, Lucy dindu nuffin, girls rules boys drool". I think she stopped caring about the comic years ago and a simplistic concept to carry it forward (to keep earning money from it) would have been welcome to her.
Anyone with access to the new BCI comic want to post it for us?
Vero is bona fide unhinged and needs someone to tell her to get her shit together instead of making up excuses.
In the last trash thread, someone posted screenshots of them discussing that one Tess comic by Vero's "totally not crushing on" lesbo Tumblrina friend, and even baglad cautiously questioned it while Vero's flock of braindead followers agreed with her comments unconditionally.
I bet bagman has realized he's bitten off more than he can chew, but can't do shit about it without having to get a real job himself, so he just lets things deteriorate.
What's in store for the final three pages of this chapter?
Either a cliffhanger involving Sandy or Lucy taking three pages to basically say "wow looks like my eternally loyal friends really aren't going to abandon me!"
Lets not start feeling bad for the baglad. Taeshi's always been mental but she hasn't always been a hack.
Hey patreanon make thread in trash with new page.
Probably this. Leaning to the comic jerking off over how super great things are for Lucy and her friends and how Mike was totally wrong about what he said or some shit.
anyone got the comic?
>with new page
Use a random porn image instead, that's what everyone's done, plus I don't wanna spoil myself
Who would become the whipping boy/girl if Mike decided to never interact with Lucy ever again?
It would still be Mike
At least this indicates that the school day is over. Mike has had a bit of a habit with following Lucy and trying to talk to her on the streets, hasn't he?
I wonder if he'll try to approach her with everyone else walking home with her or if he'll just go be miserable by himself.
Taeshi won't allow that to happen...
I feel like it is a lose lose situation. Either his friends get pissy that he is avoiding them from their side of things (probably thinking something along the lines of "why doesn't he just get over this" because they are fucking idiots) or he does go and Lucy just continues to be a fucking cunt which leads to him sperging which leads to again his friends taking her side. Basically a repeat of Halloween.
Mike really just needs to play it straight. Don't engage the crazy cunt and if his friends have a problem with it just say calmly how shit never turns out well when they are around each other now so he is not going to bother.
I didn't mean to defend him, more that his typical flavor of not doing shit until it's too late to rectify, has yet again fucked him over.
But he's most likely a trustfund NEET (assuming with his general behavior) with whatever education he has as CV fluff.
Then Paulo's bitch ass will try and hit him.
Taeshi would find a way that it's still Mike
This chapter really doesn't make a lot of sense. Mike, deflated by his shitty phone-call with Sandy, is basically civil to Lucy but she jokes about how much she hates him. The end.
It would make more sense (albeit also portraying Lucy and the others as huge assholes) if Mike, losing confidence in Sandy, tried to back-peddle by giving Lucy a birthday gift but got rejected. The point would be that he can't go back (for some reason).
>people going all "muh Mike", not realizing it would never have become this bad if chibishit and story degradation wasn't enabled.
Stop bitching about the symptoms and bitch about the cause instead.
For fucks sake.
Isn't it established Mike could kick the shit out of any of em if he wanted to? Paulo tries that then Mike just smacks his bitch ass.
Is Mike as SAD as the goblins yet
Gotta wait till Sandy dumps him and/or reveals she was fucking Tyrone the past few months.
People did Bitch about that last thread, but do you think that Taeshi will course-correct now instead of tripling down? That she would realize this is being dragged out far too long and that a 3-week update schedule would be healthier then what we have now?
I enjoy mike’s suffering but only when it’s Lucy. When it’s sandy it actually pisses me off
Alright I'm done reading this comic. It's freaking depressing seeing Mike go through constant shit with these so called "friend's". I once questioned Taeshi on her BCB Fbook page on why she does this and on why she doesn't just end the constant bs between the core group and fix the relationships? A few other fans backed me up and then her knights came and started raging like retards against me and the other few who dare question their "Queen". I also got my comments removed for saying it's hard to sympathize with Lucy at times.
No, I think her fawning fans suck her off enough that she doesn't need to course-correct.
I don't even read the comic i just shitpost on these threads and look at porn on /trash/
Way more fun
>I enjoy mike’s suffering but only when it’s Lucy. When it’s sandy it actually pisses me off
Ok you're going to need to explain this
Guess that's where I'm headed.
the state of this comic is depressing, i miss the plentiful threads filled with oc
A lot of the story degradation is adversely affecting Mike in particular right now, so naturally a lot of the bitching centers around him. I mean characterizations are simplified and distorted across the board, but Mike has to be miserable on top of that. You are right, though, that the overarching issue of bad writing is the main problem.
Another big issue is the update schedule, which I think is the current biggest factor towards making the comic really unenjoyable right now. There was a tumblr ask where somebody asked why Mike's friends are being so unforgiving, and Tae rebutted it by saying that only Lucy has really burned that bridge. But when you see how long in real time he's gone without talking to them on even neutral terms compared with the timeframe in which Lucy was forgiven for denouncing her friendship with Paulo, you can understand where somebody might draw that conclusion. The update schedule is creating flaws where there didn't have to be any.
Speaking of, I'm going to take the opportunity to address whoever it was that sent a bunch of Mike asks to the main tumblr, and I know it was one of you fags because they all read like posts you'd see here. Please take a moment to remember what happened to McCain and consider what it would be like for that same thing to happen to Mike's entire character arc. Not saying "don't complain", just saying consider not doing it like that.
Seconding this request
Wow, when I look at BCB it's taught me a lot on what not to do with my own upcoming webcomic.
Killing off Mike is the most merciful thing that could be done to him now.
Made a short post about today's page on my tumblo: whyaretheynaked.tumblr.com
>Speaking of, I'm going to take the opportunity to address whoever it was that sent a bunch of Mike asks to the main tumblr, and I know it was one of you fags because they all read like posts you'd see here. Please take a moment to remember what happened to McCain and consider what it would be like for that same thing to happen to Mike's entire character arc. Not saying "don't complain", just saying consider not doing it like that.
I'm betting the "biiiig project" that required going down to 1 page a week is redoing & dumbing down and chibishitting not-chibishit pages.
Because Vero is petty and childish like that, so pointing out the obvious should be encouraged, not hindered like you want to, because with the current course it's gonna happen anyway.
That's gonna be a big ol' NOPE from me senpai.
It became shit for porn but this isn't porn.
Is there a better place to blog about cat comics?