Jean's expression is pure lust

>Jean's expression is pure lust
>Cyke's is pure Chadness
>Wolverine's the defeated cuck
>Emma is the scorned sidebitch
Why did Hickman undo this ?

Attached: Uncanny-X-Men-22-Cyclops-Jean-Grey-Kiss.jpg (777x1200, 344.32K)

Jean Grey is the worst fictional character ever.

It would be really funny if Emma and Logan started fake dating, like they do in cartoons, just to make Scott and Jean jealous

Where are the "Cyke is a cuck" faggots now?

In the scenario where Scott & Jean are together, why would they even care?
Becuase that's before Hickman made Cyclops into Cucklops.

Isn’t there some future prediction now where Emma marries Tony Stark anyway? Superheroes are just swingers.

This is what Wolverine says when they both drop their pants

Attached: xmen in chare.jpg (871x1200, 219.46K)

Living in reality

Attached: Jonathan Cuckmen.jpg (1988x3056, 621.77K)

Because Jean is not meant for Cykes. Or anyone. Ever. She's pretty much a part-time Eldritch abomination at this point.

Yeah, it's a teased storyline.
>Muties grab the manslut to give them sweet technopath powers and fuck over the Toasters
I'm kinda interested to see it play out, not gonna lie.
Scott's like 6'3". It'd need to be very large to still look big on his frame while also being flaccid.
>t.Emmafag #2


>he's never plowed buff manlet ass
I feel bad for you lad

>He's a faggot
I feel bad of you lad

I'm not particularly fond of Emma either, it's a fact that most X-Women have done morally reprehensible things throughout their lives. Jean is cute and I want to like her, but she's never going to be a likeable personality now. She was doomed ever since Claremont made her possessed, ever since she's just been in endless cycles of relapsing and then going back to destroying worlds. Every attempt at her positive characterization is ultimately meaningless.

>caring about some dead Xenos

Attached: 1586625964281.png (1000x1142, 242.74K)

>jean, scott, and wolverine are fucking each other
>hickman accidentally posted a tweet hinting at emma fucking jean too early deleted it
It's just all an ongoing orgy where everyone occasionally dies, gets reborn, and resumes the orgy.

I care about people not being bipolar.

Why because I don't have to deal with roasties? Because I'm in a higher earning group than you? Because I'll never pay alimony?

>Scott x Logan
>Emma x Jean
The future X-Men deserve

>she's just been in endless cycles of relapsing and then going back to destroying worlds.

Jean's not BiPolar.

>TFW No Chadclops Jean+Emma harem

>faggot cuck cope
It’s sad really

>caring about a plastic bitch
>caring about a bland character whose only noteworthy moment was when she died.
That's like gwen stacy level of shit

Jean wishes she was half as glamorous, sexy and successful as Emma.

>The only places that will have him are places that are degenerate enough to have alimony laws
>he's only tolerated because the places he lives have worse degenerates after the feminists destroyed their families
>He will always be a genetic dead end
The sad reality of a fag

>t.Emmafag #3

>ties his success to the same thing cockroaches do
>Implying I'm biologically incapable of reproducing with women
>MUH DEGENERACY while he's on fucking Yas Forums

Is there even a 1st world nation that doesn't have alimony?

Attached: don lol.jpg (409x393, 22.05K)

>ywn fuck the buff man's hole that always be tight no matter what instead of roasties
Life is suffering

Attached: Imagine that tight manlet ass.jpg (266x473, 95.66K)

>straight insecurity cope
Sadder! You can't be cucked by someone who's ass is your property.

>He's so BTFO he resorts to samefagging
Have a pity (You)

Jean Grey has been a villain as often as Hank Pym has slapped his wife.

Casuals will never get over it.

Emma is a far better choice. At least she has a personality.

Is there a first world nation that doesn't have alimony? You never answered my question. Didn't samefag for what it's worth, but a "NUH UH" "YEAH HUH" argument about that is pointless.

>He fell for the first world meme when Seattle, California and Chicago look like this

Attached: Muh First World.jpg (1200x800, 210.71K)

>t.Emmafag #4

Becuase that run was SHIT. You dont put a cherry shit and expect people to eat it.

10 has been moved out of order and I am trying to figure out what that means. Scott's room should be top and the other two moved down but that would mean it started with scott only connected to logan. The numbers are out of order on purpose and there has to be a meaning.

I'm not talking about the run, it's just a general Jott thread. And the pic's funny with Emma and Logan looking defeated.