What is the Yas Forumsncensus on Judge Dredd? Are his comics worth reading? How about all the spin-offs...

What is the Yas Forumsncensus on Judge Dredd? Are his comics worth reading? How about all the spin-offs, even the non Rebellion published ones?

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I can't speak for all of Yas Forums, but Dredd is one of the best long-running comic series out there, with very few dips in quality and pretty easy to pick up either from the start or from more modern times. Absolutely worth reading.

The original spinoffs like Psi Division and the Megazine stuff is more hit than misses, and the current ones like Lawless and Deadworld are mostly great.

The IDW spinoffs are mostly mediocre, especially the ongoings. They do have a handful of minis that are genuinely awesome (Anderson, Mars Attacks, Year One, Mega-City Two, and False Witness seems to be heading there) but the rest is pretty meh.

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Just read the Case Files.

Judge Dredd is fucking great user. Here's something for you to get started, roughly in order of publication :
>The first few issues to get the basic setting and characters down
>Cursed Earth Saga
>Block Mania + Apocalypse War (IN THAT ORDER)
>Both Dark Judges sagas
>Necropolis (didn't read it but I heard it was cool)
>The crossovers with Batman and Predator
>Heavy Metal Dredd (basically Judge Dredd Turbo Edge Edition)
> The issues with P.J. Maybe
That's just the stuff I've read, and it was fucking great. I'm probably forgetting some great arcs. Also, read that shit while listening to I Am The Law by Anthrax on repeat.

I love the movie, gonna rewatch it one of these days again.

If you want more super cop stories, read pic related, OP. The pitch goes like this : Future post-apocalyptic San Francisco, capes are a US Gov. invention to go fight commies in Central America. After the war they went batshit insane and rampage, rape, loot and kill from dawn to dusk. Enter Marshal Law, an ultraviolent, self-described borderline-fascistic super-cop sanctioned by the SFPD to make supers respect the law, with extreme prejudice. Think Judge Dredd + The Boys in the future, 20 years before The Boys was published.

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Fukken nice

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Classic Dredd is perfection. IDW Dredd was an abortion. Judge Dredd 3D was also an abortion and a crime against humanity. Stallone Dredd was good but could have been perfect if they just hadn't removed his helmet or forced a love story in.


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2000AD Dredd is great, even at its worst its still ok'ish. IDW the quality can vary lot more.

You forgot one additional thing about Stallone Dredd, the Angel Gang should have killed Rob Schneider instead of Max von Sydow.

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>I can't speak for all of Yas Forums
Judge, your taste is good. If it's a Dredd thread, feel free to speak generally.

Dredd is great, and manages to be both serious and funny.

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This there's serious (day the law died), silly (also day the law died), edgy (Dark Judges), gory (the 4th Angel) and some bit are downright horror fuel like that plague of mutated spiders that came from the cursed earth.
Case Files really is your best source for everything, I'm 4 in, 5th due next week where apocalypse war kicks off.


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I wish they'd hurry it up with the Case Files already, I really want to read Origins and Day of Chaos

Low Life aka Mega City Undercover should be on this list

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I find the movies hard to watch:
The Stalone one because I've heard bad thing about it and the Urban one because of the flashback that...ugh, let's just say it makes my leg squirm each time I watch.

I didn't make the graph but I agree with you.

The Stallone Dredd has a LOT of problems (casting, script, forced bad comedy), but in terms of showing Mega-City One and some of the wasteland on screen it does a pretty great job.
Similarly it was "closer" to the comics in showing the more varied and strange elements, murderous combat robots, mutants and cyborgs.

Rampaging within city limits.
That's 20 years in the mega-cubes, kaiju creep!

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Screw the japs for not making a another Gamera movie, it’s been nearly 15 years for Christ sake.