Why do people on this board defend comics "because the writing is good"...

Why do people on this board defend comics "because the writing is good"? Isn't the very idea of comics that the writing AND the art should be good in order to give the perfect experience?

To take one example. Why do people defend Grant Morrison's X-Men run because the writing is good? It's utterly hampered by the two main artists (Quietly and Kordey) being hot garbage who are sub-webcomic tier at relaying Morrison's ideas. Don't give this shit a pass because you like the story. If that's all you care about, there's books.

>b-but Quietly is g-good really

No he fucking isn't, he's also trash on All-Star Superman and only gets jobs because he's a real life friend of Morrison.

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So this was just an excuse to talk about how much you hate Frank Quitely? I like his art on B&R, but I haven't seen much else of his work.

I admit Quietly can be off-putting but it's a manner of personal taste, it's not like his anatomy or perspective is wrong or anything, you just hate his style

Comics with good writing are harder to come by than comics with good art. Having both good writing and good are is even more rare.

Quietly is good, fuck off.

You don't know what you're talking about, OP re: Quitely. He's one of the most acclaimed artists in the history the medium because of what, nepotism? If you don't like him that's fine, but holy shit, get a grip. His layouts, details, linework, body language are all the top of the game in mainstream comics.

>b-but his faces

See yourself out, pleb.

In the case of Morrison's X-run, people overlook some of the actual poor art (Kordey, EVS) because the writing is so good. Is it a masterpiece? No, but it's an X-Men run with new concepts, humour, actual characterization and an overall arc that's compelling, so y'know, pretty rare post-Claremont.

Whether it's comics, cartoons, movies, games, etc. It's always a balance and we've seen many that have great writing or art while the other is mediocre or bad. Personally I'll take good writing with bad art over bad writing with good art (unless it's for fapping purposes). But I have refused to read comics because of the art despite people saying the writing is good. It ultimately comes down to personal tastes and thinking your opinions matter is being delusional and ignorant of what other people like.

A comic or cartoon that has phenomenal art but piss poor writing will always be worse than a cartoon or comic with terrible art but great writing. Take a look at what happened to adventure time, steven universe, and star vs. They all decided WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' WRITERS! and look how that turned out. Meanwhile, cartoons like ed edd n eddy have a very crude art style, but it's highly memorable because the jokes are funny and the characters are interesting.

Quietly draws faces weird but once you get used to it it isn't so bad.

QUITE-ly, while we're at it. Not Quietly. Or Vincent Deighan.

tell me how exactly is this face good or attractive in any sort of way
and yes it's supposed to be attractive, they start kissing immediately afterwards

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Jokes on you, Frank Quitely is one of my favorite artists on comics.

>Take a look at what happened to adventure time, steven universe, and star vs. They all decided WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' WRITERS! and look how that turned out.
Are you sure you've picked the right examples? All these shows heavily prioritized storytelling and themes over artstyle.

Well Quite Frankly, I disagree

I don't understand how so many people get filtered by quitely, imagine looking at this and thinking "yeah this guy sucks at art"

Attached: pax.jpg (3968x3048, 2.92M)

>Are you sure you've picked the right examples? All these shows heavily prioritized storytelling and themes over artstyle.
They didn't hire any professional writers. They were all storyboard driven because they didn't think they needed writers.

That's literally the origin of his pen name.

I know user, I just wanted to make the pun

They don't like the faces, that's it.

Or that 3-time zone murder scene double-spread.

Or even that scene in All-Star Supes 5 where the fat Parasite falls through the panel border/floor. I remember looking at that and going "got damn, this guy is a champ."

They still were more about the story than the art.

>Serve Manhattans
>Hang out with blue Captain Atom

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The art is an acquired taste but I have never seen people defend an artist more than Quitelyfags. That's fine but it often comes across as insecure.

I'm sorry, there have been a lot of clueless schnooks in this thread. Go in peace, good user.

This shit sucks. Go back to sucking cocks at the train station, Frank.

You can always understand the information of the art ("Wolverine is being punched in the face") and imagine it happening with a better art.

You can't do the other way around.

There's no amount of good art that can make a terrible story work.

And they were a complete disaster because the storyboarders were hack writers that resulted in a mess of left wing opinions and appealing to tumblr shippers.

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Agreed 100% except that's EVS, bawse.

Can we just leave SU out of ONE fucking thread

Where did you get your degree in armchair psychology?

>Can we just leave SU out of ONE fucking thread
It along with adventure time and star vs the forces of evil need to be remembered as an example why you can't scoff at the idea of having a writer that knows what they're doing.

I wouldn't know, I don't watch cartoons for tiny children.

I like Quietly's line work but digital coloring does not mix with it well.

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.gif (300x226, 270.95K)

This is a true.

Said the faggot on Yas Forums.

Quitely also has the luxury of often being attached to Morrison, so he gets some of his praise