Did the Fire Nation kill the air nomads because they were all homosexual ?

Did the Fire Nation kill the air nomads because they were all homosexual ?

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Let's just forget the comics existed

Why are the comics so gay focused? It's great to have gay characters, but I don't want to sit through the queer history of a fictional world.

Avatar is the new Harry Potter

Turf wars was essentially an lgbt drama, like I don’t even think Mike cared about the plot its just some gay shit about triple threat triads being jobbers like usual

Token progressive virtue signalling is a really easy way to get them dank retweets on the twitters.
All you got to do is squeeze out a long, thick log of ProgProp with little sweetcorny bits of the original story sticking out of it occasionally and bam, near immediate gratification in the form of five figures worth of people fellating your dick in the middle of the modern public square.

Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same for 10,000 sloppy public blowjobs.

Oh Yas Forums, your homophobia never ceases to entertain.

Wasn't the whole point of separating the genders was because love and boners preventing you from unlocking all your chakras?

>It's great to have gay characters

Attitudes about homosexuality may vary from one culture to the next or from one time period to another. But Christians aren’t governed by popular opinion or “carried here and there by every wind of teaching.” (Ephesians 4:14) Instead, they base their view of homosexual conduct (and any other kind of conduct, for that matter) on the standards set forth in the Bible.

The Bible’s standard regarding homosexual acts is clear. God’s Word says:

“You must not lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman.”—Leviticus 18:22.

“God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, . . . gave them over to uncontrolled sexual passion, for their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature.”—Romans 1:24, 26.

“Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.”—1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.

In reality, God’s standards apply to all people, whether they have homosexual desires or heterosexual desires. The fact is, everyone must exercise self-restraint when it comes to urges to engage in conduct that displeases God.—Colossians 3:5.

Does that mean the Bible promotes hatred of gays?

No. In fact, the Bible doesn’t promote hatred of anyone—gay or straight. Rather, it tells us to “pursue peace with all people,” regardless of their lifestyle. (Hebrews 12:14) So it’s wrong to engage in bullying, hate crimes, or any other type of mistreatment of homosexuals.

What does this have to do with air nomads

this is Yas Forumsmbler, no one here is homophobic.

LGBTfags are living on borrowed time

Not really homophobia, just mocking the awkward way they're trying to shoehorn the gay marriage debate into the story.
>That guy was the worst!

Them not existing is basically a fact. The cartoon has been watched by millions of people around the world and that's the story anyone know. I don't think 100k people read any of the post-series comics.

I thought the whole point of gender segregation (male Air Nomads got the northern and southern temples, female Air Nomads got eastern and western temples) was that they didn't like people having sex when unnecessary.

but that's the problem, they kept genders separated for so long they all became gay
it's the same thing that happened in WW1 with French soldiers

What about the one about Zuko's mom?

I wonder what actual Buddhist monks thinks of this show considering relationships (especially gay ones) are forbidden.

>They didn't hide who they loved!
>Except women. They have cooties so they have to be kept in separate temples.

The air nomads temple were segregrated by sex, I don't know how they find their partner and reproduce but that's just pederasty.

>It's great to have gay characters
It isn't.

I don't think Buddhist monks watch nickelodeon

The same, seriously, no cares for any comics except for twitter cultural warriors and die-hard fans. They might just as well not exist.

cool bro

all this lgbt propaganda shit feels so incongruous when inserted into any old story

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It's so bizarre that they chose this as a theme. Who looks at avatar and decides to flesh out the history of the gay rights movement? Just seems like such an odd show to spread that message.

we just get angry about plot summaries and individual pages on Yas Forums
it's not worth bothering with

I'm sure everyone who has seen the show wanted to know what happened to Zuko's mom.

And the comics explaining it came out, what, 5 years later? And no one read it. Look here
It's after the first part of the Search came out. They need this, three parts of Promise and two other books to go over 100 thousands, it's laughable, the show has been watched by millions.

Meant for

Nobody cares about the teachings of deluded hebrews