I don't see what's so hard to understand here.
Go back to your Discord server(s), peon.
Fuck off Bendis.
>mfw humans think that concept exists
>mfw humans think dimensions exist
>getting mad Bendis is leaving open plenty of doors for classic Legion/Legions to come back
His Legion has been good! I'm sorry! we all know it's bizarre
aren't the Endless just concepts anyway?
so who cares
>His Legion has been good
It really hasn't
it has though
The Legion are by far the worst major team in DC. Some members are cool but as a whole they have no appeal outside of gay X-Men style drama.
I think you're a huge faggot but I agree
Whatever you say, Bendis
Then can you explain why invisble kid is two people at once? Or why Rose Thron and Jon have met for "the first time" on two separate occasions?
Issue 4 was supposed to have Mon El and Jon bonding according to Bendis and the issue descriptions online, but Lar never appears in the issue.
You know user, I get that your trolling, but this almost in simp territory.
I like how this thread just encapsulates the cancerous state of the fandom. One person just has to say current LoSH is "poo-poo" and they'll just be piled on by shills suffering from buyers remorse defending medicore writing and pretending it's deep when in actuality it's just Bendis doing whatever he wants for the lols.
The aggressive way Brainiac says this feels less like him explaining how time travel works that the writer venting his frustration about people complaining about the continuity problems.
"Just enjoy your space" sounds like his way of saying turn your brain off and enjoy the comic in a vacum.
what? everyone on Yas Forums hates it but me
there are two invisible kids, there have been for awhile. and i thought it was clear the scene from the end of Millennium continued in LOSH
Remember that this was supposed to be the orginal plot of the issue, but for some reason it became instead about Bendis talking to the audience through a character on why his story is so broken.
He used the wrong invisble kid moron. Millennium established Lyle as the Invisble Kid but for some reason Bendis made a bait and switch and turned Lyle into Jac.
>nothing is anything
>writing problems are just fluctuations in perception
Yet you willfully ignore that the second Rose Thorn appearance doesn't correlate at all with the events of Millennium.
or he might be using both?
Like 5 people on Yas Forums actually buy modern comics
You fucking baiting retard
God it's like you didn't even read the comic. Millennium established Rose Thorn as immortal lady looking for a purpose, she meets the Legion for the first time and Jon is already there with them.
They're all together getting a group shot. Then in issue #1 Imra takes Jon to the future for the first time and he fails to recognize anyone without their name tags, he doesn't formally meet Brainy until issue 2 despite them already being formal with eachother in Millennium. Rose Thorn is apparently already their Liasion despite the fact that she only met the Legion as a nobody while Jon was already integrated with the team in Millennium.
To WHOm user?
Here's what probably happened with that, Millennium was probably supposed to establish the importance of the new DC future and this Rose Thorn characters, and then in the end give this legion tease to hype fans. Good. Smart.
But what probably went wrong is Bendis had no real strong layout of what his story was going to be, all he got is this bucket full of 30+ characters he knows nothing about. So he's main focus is to make the first issue AMAZING aesthetically and forget all the things Millennium established. Because Millennium isn't an actual story, it's a teaser comic for other titles.
So wait, Black Invisible Kid showed up for some reason?
Latest issue as an ANGRY BLACK MAN, even though Bendis had Invisible Kid say "my name is Lyle!" in one of the first issues.
And this one calls himself Jacques, so he can't even pull the "Lyle is back now" card
I would honestly love to see him try.
Yeah, I thought Lyle had a speech bubble earlier. That's either silly or dumb. Maybe their teammates never noticed there were two of them and they enjoyed only having to do half the work?
I like how this run sets people off in such a way. It kinda gives me the impression that it's awful.
in millennium there's a gag where he's like "I'm Lyle. We've met before"
you're right the timeline is wonky. in Millennium she walks in on them taking the photo and says she has important information, and in LOSH 1 she goes up to Jon and tries to tell him something but he flies off. I had conflated the group photo with the group being together to welcome Jon to the future.
I wish people had this passion for the Legion before they could use it as an excuse to hate Bendis
Well ya there are only 5 people still buying modern comics
It's Lyle. Honestly, Bendis can fix this error by just saying Lyle and Jac are like twins or adopted siblings so they share the same hero name, (even though his Jac goes by Invisible Kid without the "II"),
yeah it's a lame excuse but it can easily be overlooked if he just establishes that there's two of them. If he's really forgetting the characters he established, it wouldn't mean well for the quality of this run.
No one in this page from Millennium exists in the current comic.