What are some examples of hapa Yas Forums characters?

What are some examples of hapa Yas Forums characters?

Pic related according to creator.

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What is "hapa"? How many words are we going to make up?

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Are you retarded?

Half Japanese half foreigner. Maybe half White specifically, depending on who you ask. The two are almost interchangeable in Japan.

Hapa isn’t half japanese that’s Hafu, hapa refers to half white and half any type of gook

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Can I get a source on this? We never actually saw either of his parents. unless that was something in Chronicles, lord knows I didn't watch that.

He was extremely rich and not ugly at all what was his problem?

I remember in the episode where Ronnie Anne's abuelo returns to school cuz the mercado took over his life as a child, he shows his family tree, and reaveals IIRC that his mom's dad is also Chinese. Sid was noticably interested.

What's his story? I'm guessing it ends tragically.

Yes, because it turns out Ronnie Anne is a happa from across the mappa.

Thank you for that

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>not knowing a specific niche term
If you're gonna get mad at people for not knowing what words mean, you're callin the kettle black.

There is no source

Isn't he just guilty of inevitable language change? Kinda like how no one's calling people cuckolds or plebians with their original meanings nowadays?

one of the few cases where it really was just a personality issue

Here one from an under appreciated series.

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Old magazine where she gave interview

Surprised at no mention yet and also surprised at the renewed interest in the show lately.

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>Ronnie Anne's abuelo
Why not just say grandpa or grandfather?

I kinda hope for a new season but if they make something for this show, it'd probably be a reboot.

I forgot that his father was white and that his mom wasn't a dragon for some reason.

He was a loser sperg psychopath racist misogynist who expected the universe to hand him a girlfriend
Also he was literally only into 10/10 bimbo preppie blondes.

one or both of these

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Is this show worth watching?

>asian with hair streaks
Every. Fucking. Time.

The dragon gene skips a generation was the in show excuse I think. I do vaguely recall an episode where the mom turns into a dragon after they did the art change and I cant be bothered to look it up.