I want to finish what we left off about BW being young Judy's doll in endless and an origin story for ButtWitch.
Twelve Judy/ButtWitch Thread
Pardon me OP, I just want to say: I really love my wife Reggie.
>an origin story for ButtWitch
You buncha fanfic retards, the origin story for buttwitch is given in the show's first episode.
>show's first episode.
Second and that was not the origin story. She was on the Island before Reggie.
There can any be one, user
But it's fun to speculate and BW came out of a volcano.
What if BW was (twelve) Judy's very own Brown Rodger, just considerate it, it's entirely believable to think that she too would exemplify a good deal of her traits. Like how Brown Rodger is basically Reggie's persona, ButtWitch may have been Judy's desire to mature exaggerated. Also, any loli Judy's
>just considerate it
What did he mean by this?
I mean just give it a thought that Judy's responsible for how fuck up Buttwitch is.
Young Judith may have been the type of girl to look forward towards puberty, and knowing how exaggerating Full Grown is ( I wish we know her real name) is may not exempt Judith from her own troubles. What I can assume is Judy had the exact opposite problem to Reggie's and was squandering her youth away in her feeble attempt to grow up like Asuka
The situation with Butt Witch is ambiguous. She claims to have "owned" the island before Reggie came along and possess magic that none of the other islanders have been shown to have.
Why is she so perfect?
>I wish we know
She's like us, or at least like me. Everything that she did and said was understandable and reasonable to me.
I'm going with Lilith, I mean Judith is a Biblical name other all. What say you?
Any love for Judy?
A buttwitch thread?
Do you think she will have some sort of redemption?
Yes but Judy have to be involved
Well, she did developed legitimate love for Big Deal, so she isn't completely evil. She and Reggie are both quite immature, so perhaps their mirror each others' developments.
That's why I liked her even more, she did cared about her henchman, even tho she's evil. I wish they could continue the show and have more scenes about her and big deal. Her parts were really good for me
Me too, she's just like Reggie but as a Adult with Judy's fuck up perspective.
>Barely any Twelve and Butt Witch /ll/
Shit sucks dudes.
I wish there was more porn about her, even more with big deal. I know how to draw, but i'm a coward when it comes to draw porn
Fuck it! Just do It!
It's more plausible from a narrative standpoint that Daryl will be the one to have interacted with her in the past. We know next to nothing about him and having that kind of reveal take place would make sense.
>Full Grown is ( I wish we know her real name)
Also it's pretty obvious the "full grown" comment was implying that the whole shrinking debacle that she experienced at the end of the season has happened before, and that it was the negativity Reggie imbued into the puberty books and her rejection of growing up that gave BW the needed boost to get back to her former self again.
Daryl is implied to be somewhat of a manchild, and it anyone created Butt Witch, I could see him making her.
I don't think he made her, I think he just befriended then betrayed her.
Why betrayal?
Because he's the one who changed the island from an adult wonderland to a "garish mess" full of kiddie stuff.
I mean why betrayal specifically and not just a disagreement done wrong.
I guess it'd be both. A disagreement from Daryl's perspective, a betrayal from BW's.
I'll try then