Homestuck 11th Anniversery

It's 4/13 in some timezone, so fanarts are already being made, and people deserve a thread they can actually find, if this actually stays up.

Gonna post celebratory fanart, try to keep it civil and MAYBE the thread can stay up to countdown to something/nothing happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also, someone bought a star, so John Egbert is somewhere out there in space

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Post your speculations/hopes/fears for this update!

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Read some good comics not from powerpoint

See You Space Egbert...

That there won't be one.
Working on webcomics is hard, you guiz :(

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what fan adventures are you reading?

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>what games

what have you done
hsetau is suprisingly decent and underrated
it doesn't deserve this desecration

That I'm going to be disappointed
I get good porn out of whatever disaster happens.
That there will be no porn to make up for how awful this is gonna be.


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4/13 is the day we wonder what the absolute fuck went wrong.


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>Chad John is dead
>The only other version of him out there is going to turn into a sissified tranny
They are bringing chad meat John back right?

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Honestly yeah im sure he will come back.


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Technically, we have no confirmation yet as to which John is gonna get June-d. Meat? Candy? Both? But not even Homestuck^2 writers are big enough hacks to keep a good John down. Meat John'll come back. He'll fix this. You'll see.

user "June Egbert" is "canon". Candy is explicitly non canon.
Meat John's the one who's going to June.

>He'll fix this.

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You're all puppets in my fanfiction.

We get to see Dirk's new alien race.

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Retcons back to the begining of Homestuck. Does the whole thing over again, but right this time. New Game+.

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>Retconning things yet AGAIN

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Thats someones shitty OC not trans john.
But seriously I actually cringed a little bit looking at this.

We have to make things right, user. It's the only way.

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I just wish Hussie would scrap this crap and go back to the end of act 5 and do things right this time

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korean homestuck?

Hiveswap Act 2 releases
June Egbert is announced but it turns out to be boring, predictable, ultra-progressive cisphobic trash that everyone expects it to be, instead of something that's actually interesting or plausible
Stfu Dirk

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What reasons would any one 3 people on the ship have for turning John into a Woman.

More like their self-portrait

Also thanks to the user who mentioned the vinesauce guy reading homestuck. Was nice to have in the background some of the beginning of the comic.

Was funny that people kept pushing "bro is abusive" and he kept going "this just looks like cartoony brother v brother fighting, all the kids seem to have it rough in one way or another".

And reminded me that we actually see the first of the horrorterrors
>He is the first and smallest of the SMALLER GODS, appointed in servitude of a vile, unfathomable pantheon of MIDDLING GODS which caters to the whims of the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors, an omniscient, omnipotent order of the elite few, forever cloaked in the darkness of the Furthest Ring.

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