What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
>please love me..
She meant she is only 14 years old and its bullshit she has to spend the rest of her life rotting in prison even ozai didnt get as miserable an ending as her and the writers are SHIT
Who is this dude?
She is a violent sociopathic monster who murdered and lead to the death of millions.
Her being left fucking alive and with her powers is quite honestly fucking pampering the evil little cunt.
>murdered and lead to the death of millions.
this never happened.
They have to keep the Royal Family blood pure
Zuko's the one who barged in on Azula while she was trying to sleep in her sleeping clothes, it's his fault not her
Firecest sucks, I'd actually prefer that Ty Lee crap.
She murdered nobody except aang, even toph killed more people than her.
And besides shes in a straight jacket in a padded room, that's not pampering.
I like how she isn't wearing makeup in this scene. Kind of a random detail
She never did get over getting molested by Cousin Lutan...
Blackmailing her brother while still in the robe she was sleeping in at the time.
At what point during the show did millions die?
She did not kill a single person to take over Ba Sing Sei.
If anything she enjoys it more the less brute force she has to use.
'course she's only 16.
>'course she's only 16.
She's 14.
Who wears a robe to sleep?
It will just come untied and twisted up.
And she is not wearing a shirt under that.
>and that is my Ted talk on why I deserve a spinoff cartoon.
...Oh dear god.
Of course she sleeps in the raw. Probably coerced Ty Lee to act as her teddy bear.
Who are some other female firebending characters other than the avatars?
Means stop shoehoring you retarded fetish into everything
Jesus dude what is your fucking problem? You're not even funny any more you're just annoying
It was never meant to be a joke you autist. Now fuck off back to /aco/ with your offtopic bullshit
I don't go to aco because it's all Korra spam and she is butt ugly.
You used to be an endearing sperg but now you are just rude all the time.
Azula doesn’t seem like a good fuck
She seems like she’d awkwardly try to copy porn or something
She knew that the Avatar was probably still alive and also knew that Zuko knew so she lied and said Zuko killed the Avatar so he could serve as her patsy when the Avatar returns.
Zuko is in a predicament now because capturing the Avatar was a requirement to stop being banished, if he says Azula killed him then he will still be banished anyway.
yes. she is a little girl
Was Ozai mad when he found out Azula lied to him?
I think he must have been, if not, why wouldn't Azula have just told Ozai in the first place?
>I think Zuko knows something I don't know about the Avatar so lets give him the credit for killing him just in case he's lying and we can get rid of him easily.
Why didn't she just say that?
But if he was angry, how did she not see that coming? Of course Zuko was going to tell on her if he had nothing else to lose.
it annoys me that the resolution of this side plot happens off screen.
Imagine having Azula's thick dicksucking lips tightly wrapped around your cock.
Ozai probably confronted Azula, Azula gave him a bullshit excuse blaming Zuko, and he rolled his eyes and rolled with it.
I think a lot of Ozai's abuse with Azula was mostly in her head in the sense of "he is going to treat me like Zuko if i'm not perfect", but from Ozai's point of view, Azula was a fantastic daughter and he trusted her, nothing else.
As if I give a flying fuck what you retards think of me.
So why not just tell Ozai up front what happened and why they should pretend Zuko killed aang?
Unless you think ozai wouldn't have let Zuko back home if he didn't think he'd fulfilled the terms of his banishment (killing the avatar) but in that case, i think he'd be pretty pissed about being undermined.
I'm honestly not sure what you mean
>Never return unless you kill the avatar!
>Hey Zuko, I told dad you killed the avatar, totally what happened right?
>Hey dad, I did not kill the avatar, fuck you.
>Azula why did you lie? Avatar is alive.
>I did not lie, Zuko blah bla blah
>Yeah ok whatever shut up.