ITT Ass pulls

ITT Ass pulls

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Legend of Korra season 1 ending with Korra getting her powers just like that made me drop the show.

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Not really, there were several episodes that delt with Ron's monkey magic mojo, A real ass pull is like when Aang was healed because his spine was struck by a pointy rock.

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And most of the time, Ron was too klutzy to properly use it. In his own words "It comes and goes".

Ron apparently was a legit threat if he took things serious, or was evil, mostly Evil Ron was the threat. cause he was basically Smarter then Drakken and better fighter then Shego.

But to say it was an Ass pull when it had like 5 or 6 episodes dedicated to his Martial Arts Training, 3 episodes to his intellect and Seasons dedicated to his bravery come on man. It does come and goes, but it always comes when needed.

Maybe if Kim was fighting alongside him instead of being reduced to an NPC in her own fucking show, it would have been acceptable. The idea was always that they were at their best together.

Ron was cool, and him going Super Saiyan Blue was tight as fuck. Take your (You), you faggot.

I agree with that much would have been good to see then fight side by side in the end, but we had 2 movies and 4 seasons of that already, some times a guys gotta do what I guys gotta do. Ron never had a big moment to shine on his own.

He had every other episode to shine. By Season 4, it was almost all about Ron.

Pathik specifically mentioned that chakra point though.

The ones off the top of my head

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This although energy bending to remove Ozai’s bending is more of an asspull.

it was an asspull you retard, a pretty cringey one.

While an asspull, it was cool as fuck
Basically asspulls are fine if they cool

>Basically asspulls are fine if they cool

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Came here to post this, did they ever explain it?

Honestly yea despite dumbfuck mcpurple hair that was pretty good. I do keep wondering why the rebellion was back to being a small scrappy force again

Wasn't cool. Looks nice thats for sure, but having a literal who do this makes it worthless. Also makes the whole series make no sense. Basically this asspull would have been cool if Admiral Akbar or some other semi important character had rammed the ship into the others fuel systems or something like that, stopping it move

It was just retarded and fucked the little logic Star Wars universe had, characters finding out a new power is a cheap way to solve problems and surprise the audience but it does not break any rule of the setting, this kamikaze attack in the other hand does.

No, they dismiss it immediately after it happens. Beast boy asks "So, are you like, magic now?" to which Cyborg responds "Pretty sure that was a one time deal".

What's with the Horse tattoo?

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Stupid autocorrect

>Honestly yea despite dumbfuck mcpurple hair that was pretty good.

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Didn't say anything about hitting it like an old tube tv on the frits just that it was blocked.

They explain how since brother blood put himself on Cyborgs network when he cyborgified himself, cyborg could go in reverse and force brother blood's powers to repair him.

Most scenes involving her were asspulls. Christ she was annoying.

That show was nothing but asspulls its the Bleach of western shows.

I would label that more of a copout since had to at least go learn to do it.

pretty much half of steven powers feel like asspulls.
>healing tears
>impenetrable shields

I like how they had to add a line into the next movie about how it was a 1 in a million shot and that they can't repeat it. It's almost like it solves almost every problem the empire could ever create, and they didn't realize this until people started bitching about it.

>Oh no, the Empire has built yet another Deathstar!
>This one is EVEN BIGGER than the other 3.
>Whatever, put a droid in the pilot seat of some freighter ship with an ftl drive and throw them at it.
>Man, it's a good thing that lesbo pretty much solved space combat.

They were basically evil space orcs.

Nah, it was a resolution to a conflict that was established earlier in the season (can aang kill ozai), which itself tied directly to the main characters traits, values and upbringing. Then a solution presented itself (too promptly), Aang worked to get that solution (too easily), and applied it during the fight.

It wasn't great, but it wasn't pulled out of ass, more like drawn out.

Honestly its just a flaw for most space shows. Warp or Hyper drive. If you can make a ship go that fast it would be the greatest weapon of mass destruction ever. Think about if we had a space dock near earth and a ship even the size of the Falcon malfuntioned and slammed into earth at or pass C. It would be better if a super volcano erupted.