How would he fare in the marvel universe?

How would he fare in the marvel universe?

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Considering he's a stereotypical high schooler who just happens to look like a wolf, probably not all that well.

He'd probably break down the first time he went to a burger joint.

On the plus side, horny internet furries would flock to him.

How do you fucking thing?

>only power is inflicting moth-based psychosis
>only seen once
He'd be lumped in with the X-men and just awkwardly cook shit in the kitchen while beast stars him down.

n-not Yas Forums!!

This looks Chinese as fuck.

>I can bump my own thread!
go back to your subreddit

He'd probably be way better adjusted in a world where he could buy real meat and it wasn't a horrible ethical dilemma.

Thats true. Most of his mental breakdowns are a result of the fact he wants to eat meat, but everything is pretty much sapient on a similar level to him.

If he was in the marvel universe his therapy could be a good porkchop.

Other than that he really bring a whole lot to the marvel universe other than just being an awkward teenager.

We only seen him have a real life or death fight twice in the manga and he got fucked up bad in both instances.
That said he does get a power boost when eating meat, which actually he would be able to do fine since this time around there isn't much of an ethical dilemma.

He'd kinda just be a mid-low tier street level hero honestly. Maybe rework him to be part of the X-Men.

Why you cryin'?

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if he did that he won't be able to go back to his own world because he would want to eat meat everyday

>We only seen him have a real life or death fight twice in the manga and he got fucked up bad in both instances.

He powers up whenever the plot needs a new mcguffin, Legosi will probably get powers sooner than later in any other universe.

Also reminder this happened. He has asspull powers, he just needs to activate his inner autism and monologue for a couple chapters first..

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You’re right, it’s better than Yas Forums. Common on there’s legit a thread about screen caps of characters feet for ducks sake

>On the plus side, horny internet furries would flock to him.
Especially this one

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Does he bring with him the rest of his world?

How would Beastars fare in the marvel universe?

hed probably get outright killed by Deadpool

>How would Beastars fare in the marvel universe?

The carnivores would have a field day. The humans would be freaked out for the most part because they are marvel civilians. They'd cause the most problems.

Everyone would love Jack though.

Attached: Jack_(Anime).png (259x608, 126.32K)

"A weird-looking but essentially unpowered humanoid was among the bystanders killed in today's carnage. In other news, congress has finally passed the latest Sentinel funding bill, after days of heated debate over how tall the killer robots should be this time."

A more interesting question- what if humans were part of the Beastars world?

I want to say humans would be ok, because we're omnivores and as long as we got protein and can still eat cheese and eggs and stuff we'd be fine.

But then I remember how I literally was craving a chicken burger the other day and all of my comfort food has meat in it.

>random indistinct minority
>tranny gender nonsense
>fetish bullshit
>furfaggotry on top of that
how the fuck do you write such a pandering character and not want to neck yourself over it
we're a branch of primates after all. Nothing changes.

What would our place be in that world? The animals seem to be superhuman compared to us.

We'd be the assholes without insanely broken social dynamics that only really work thanks to a totalitarian state controlling information for one.

I guarantee you, the majority of interspecies children would have a human parent ( and interspecies children is a thing in Beastars)

>that only really work thanks to a totalitarian state controlling information for one.

Does Beastars have a authortarian government?

Yes, they have two school curriculums, one for the average animals and one for the smart ones that can actually handle the truth, they have police agencies dedicated to hunting down hybrids and covering up their crime statistics and they tacitly support the markets where slavery and cattle farming of herbivores takes place to avoid carnivores revolting.

Don't underestimate human persistence hunting. In Beastars we'd be the species thats known for grinding down their opponents through sheer attrition and time.

It would get really gay
Kamala would be a fan

Humans are massive rulebreakers. If humans existed in Beastars, we'd be constantly upheaving their society. It would honestly make for an interesting story.

How would the animals feel about the Marvel universe with all its mutants, inhumans, freqent world ending threats etc? They'd get shell shocked right quick.