This guy walks up to you and slaps your padawan's orange buttcheeks. What do?

This guy walks up to you and slaps your padawan's orange buttcheeks. What do?

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Hope I'm next

Shoot him in the chest a couple times with a blaster.

So civilized
So uncivilized

slap her butt

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Switch to a 3d animated format and deal with him when he becomes a jobber.

ask to see his collection

That’s pretty unorthodox

>orange buttcheeks
Grievous is only for RED buttcheeks.

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if it's 2d grievous prepare myself for the rape
but if its 3d grievous i just call jar jar to beat him up

For real, is he going to appear in s 7 or not?
It would pretty foolish for Filoni not to include him even as a cameo.

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No Grievous for you as long as Filonious is in charge.

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I mean, they'll be red in the end either way.

I use the force to crush his chest and send him into a coughing fit

I send in the gungans

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Foolish, he is too fast for that to be effective.

Only mentioned by Anakin.


Eternal reminder.

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>Fandom made
Bitch what? The then-canon cartoon that is the only reason your cartoon exists did. What a cunt.

Is anyone we give a shit about going to appear? So far we are getting the longest goddamn filler arc of Ahsoka hanging out with the stupidest smugglers to ever live.

Does he slap her cheeks twice or four times

If you are familiar with Rebel Force Radio you will notice Filoni holds certain disdain for the Tartakovsky cartoon.
Now, what TRULY offends me about that commentary in particular is how he puts up Vader as some sort of independent badass ubermensch, when in reallity he was never above Grievous in any respect.
Grievous really IS like Vader, because both are broken shadows of what they once were.

>Filoni holds certain disdain for the Tartakovsky cartoon

This has probably been asked before, but does anyone else kinda prefer Clone Wars 2003 to The Clone Wars? I just found the Tartakovsky series had more going for me personally, especially things like the Anakin vs Ventress fight, Grievous' portrayal and Siege of Coruscant. It's not that TCW is bad, far from it, but I guess I like the first iteration more

Because deep down, he knows he will never be able to meet its quality.

Isn't it the point that at some deeper level Vader's life totally sucks?

He's likely covering for George, who is mostly at fault for the lack of communication which lead to the clash between 2D Grievous and film Grievous.
Probably Dave is annoyed that his story driven long series was seen as a pretender to an action driven mini series by fans at the time.

Star Wars consistently doubling down in Grevious being a pathetic loser is why I'll never give a fuck about Star Wars.

Me too, but in my opinion a few more seasons with longer episodes is what would have made it truly memorable.
In fact, if memory serves me right, I think the original plan for the "Obsession" comic series was for it to be included in the third last season of the show since Genndy still wanted to animate that confrontation with Obi Wan and Anakin againts Durge, as it was initially intended for the season one finale. But due to lack of time, the arc couldn't be adaptated.

Isn't the Filoni series more well known?

Exactly, but let's say that Dave is not the brightest individual when it comes to Star Wars writers.
Anyways, it's much more likely he was just covering for George as indicates.
It's a tragedy we aren't getting any Grievous for season 7 still. I wanted to see his updated design dammit.

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I have always loved Clone Wars 2003 and can barely watch The Clone Wars desu.

By a large difference, yet they will refuse to acknowledge its existence even if it is the only real reason the canon series exists to begin with.