AMC Theatres Bankruptcy Likely, Analysts Say

Disney+ was WAY ahead of it's time now. Looks like all movies will go right to streaming soon.

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Over my dead body

Get fucked Hollywood

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This is what they're experimenting with, with the Trolls movie.
Can it be profitable to do only streaming?

Not a real loss. Who has time to actually go to an overpriced theater anymore?

What makes you think Hollywood won't adapt?

China’s Wanda bought amc for billions in 2012. Happy that investment paid off lmao.

I do


I hate the streaming model. I watched Trolls for free on a bootleg site LOL

Hope these asshats get shit-wrecked.

I find it ironic that AMC can't even handle a month long closure of its theaters yet were already pumping out thousands or millions of dollars, was AMC already in trouble before this hit? I'm curious

We've been learning this past month that most companies have been shit at saving money.

It turns out that capitalism as we know it is built on money that doesn't exist and has never existed being exchanged so frequently that nobody can keep track of where the hypothetical money is at any second.

Always have backups whenever something like this happens, don't think your entirely invincible with all of that greed

Companies for the most part don't give a shit about trying to have long term success, they only want to make more money in a quarter than they did last quarter.

Companies are like stupid people; no one saves.

It's Hollywood.

Sounds good but if you actually do that responsible shit then you get outcompeted by businesses who aren't.

Boy oh boy now that streaming is becoming as divided as cable as was and theaters, bookshops and other media platforms are shitting the bed am I happy I never stopped seeking souls.

It's mostly because nobody expected a sudden global pandemic to hit. That is, nobody ever had a pandemic plan in their archives to fall back upon.

But you can damn well bet that there are going to be pandemic plans now among those businesses that will survive. First step: Convince the government that you're an essential business.

>people not saving = stupid, selfish lazy, you deserve to go homeless
>corporations not saving money = enterprising, risk taking, need to be bailed out
Learn the rules, you're shit, they're awesome.

Also if you're a regular person and have saved you're still going to lose out because this will cause some form of inflation.

I wonder if they'll become stricter over those kinds of things. Gas stations need to stay open but the service stations on the inside of a lot of them don't.

>That is, nobody ever had a pandemic plan in their archives to fall back upon.
Finland did

My theater's tickets were only $6-$7 dollars. Also 9/10 times the front was understaffed enough that you could just walk in and see your movie for free if you wanted to. I'm not surprised that AMC closed it permanently a couple weeks ago.

We did, or at least had an official team making plans if one occurred. But Obama made the team and Trump just couldn't have that

When I saw the Impractical Jokers movie with a friend we were literally the ones in the theater. Might be because it was IJ but still, hadn't ever experienced that before.

Move out to the country, I've got a theater that still sells tix for $4. Granted it's 1 screen and only 1 show a night except Fri/Sat but still better than most home theater setups

>seeking souls
What does this mean?

>We've been learning this past month that most companies have been shit at saving money.
only because the way our economy now works is GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH at all costs. Fuck savings. Why save money if you're not GROWING? Moment you stop GROWING and start saving, some other dick head will GROW and surpass you into bankruptcy

>christmas a few months back
>get almost for $200 worth of cinema gift cards
>aw hell yeah bois we getting cultural now
>corona happens
>cinema is dying

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Warren Buffet's first piece of financial advice is to save at least 50% of what your making. He was open about getting actual cash a few weeks before this all went down to.

This. Any good thing a business does will get them shafted by a competitor who's doing something risky and harmful.

Look now how all our supply lines are not even in the US and we're competing to try to import medical supplies. That was really stupid on a national level, and it was done because China has no health or environmental standards - look how that turned out. But anyone who kept production in the US got smashed by corporations that moved it away, and our top investors, the people who also call themselves our political representatives, were cool with that because it increased their stock earnings.

And I swear to god after all this is over we're going to see all our politicians tap dancing around the subject of risk, or of global health and environmental standards, because that shit's expensive and they'll want their stock investments to go back up.

Wanda is going to thrive nonetheless.

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Warren Buffet doesn't run a company. He started an insurance company, but he doesn't run it. He just invests, extract money, reinvests.