This is why I use Yas Forums

This Literally Who (SquigglyDigg, animator for Rise of the TMNT) is currently getting cancelled over a fucking criticism of Lilo & Stitch.

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So stop giving her Twitter attention if you're so concerned about it, faggot.

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Imagine not being able to take the heat for having a shit opinion

Also imagine taking Twitter drama to Yas Forums

Sage goes in all fields

It's a dumb white cunt who got mad that a child dealing with the death of her parents and being a social outcast at the age of 6 was acting bratty. Their take is fucking horrible and basically comes down to they have never been around children before.

Anonymous death threats are not fucking newsworthy.
They never have been.

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I like the songs she made
And now i feel dirty

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And why should I care?


That's still not enough to justify cancelling someone, Yas Forumsmblr.


>Also imagine taking Twitter drama to Yas Forums

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Sage goes in all fields
Even the name?!

Who gives a shit

Why are these threads never deleted

ok groomer

So, we are really turning this into a meme after that one guy?

Sure, okay. I'm in.

We've had several legitamate Steven Universe discussion threads deleted but the Newgrounds/CalArts tweet and this chick's review of Lilo & Stitch have been able to sprout up all over the catalog and hit the bump limit for days now.

they're criticizing it based on it being a movie, not it being a look at real people
steven universe is infamous for being stuck in the /trash/

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>stories with a moral need to show characters doing the right thing
dont most fables/fairy tails have characters fucking up before they redeem themselves by doing the right thing? like pinocchio? who was as big a brat as lilo and grew as a person?

if it was homestuck it'd be gone within seconds

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the problem here is the second part
they fuck up and don't really redeem themselves.

but lilo learned to actually respect her sister and start to bond with her again

>We've had several legitamate Steven Universe discussion threads deleted
No you didn't, you faggots made 6 identical threads and then the mods deleted 2 or 3 due to flooding being against the rules

>morons like this are in the industry and you aren't

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what makes it okay to cancel someone over criticism of a cartoon?

Because they don't have enough common sense to shut the fuck up with their "hot takes" and not be a liability for any company that they work for.

Why do people make a big deal about getting death threats on the internet. They're all talk, people never do shit.

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I don't think they should have been cancelled. I just think their opinion was shit.

poor cow :(

Squiggles your opinon is fucking retarded and Yas Forums is not going to defend you.
If you want to bitch about the entertainment industry being a nepotistic, schizophrenic shithole willing to kill peoples careers for wrongthink, then go ahead, just keep it to fucking twitter instead of taking your garbage here.

Literally who?

>they're criticizing it based on it being a movie, not it being a look at real people
Why are you acting like a movie can't be a look at real people?
If anything that just makes it even more intriguing since it attempts to be realistic instead of saccharine bullshit like the usual schlock Disney churns out these days.

>>Steven Universe fans call a shitty fanart shitty
>"ohh nooo SU worst fandom ever"
>Horsefags spam Hasbro mailbox with shiposts due do them changing their meme character
>"oh nooooo ponifags are the worst"
>>Disneyfags send countless death threats instantly to a girl for calling a movie overrated
>"those are just comments lol"
Wtf is wrong with you guys

The same reason that shitty Tenchi, Dragon Ball, and One Piece thread weren't deleted we do NOT have mods who give a damn.

>steven universe is infamous for being stuck in the /trash/
Then why the fuck did this board blow up for a week straight after the finale?
/sug/ might be in the /trash/ but most of the SUposters sure as fuck aren't.

He deserved it

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I hope he's fired and they hire my favorite out of work storyboarders/artists instead

>Disneyfags send countless death threats
no one's fucking sending death threats

Look user, I'm going to say one fucking thing. "Disney" is such a broad term that a "fandom" exists as much as "cartoon network" fandom exists
People aren't sending death threats over the film as Disneyfags. The death threats are coming because they are sjws who think criticizing this film is "racist" because the girl is brown
Also you're downplaying the death threats SU and horsefags gave

read op pic