Reminder that we could have gotten this, but Sony decided to cancel it and release the emoji movie instead

Reminder that we could have gotten this, but Sony decided to cancel it and release the emoji movie instead

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We probably still dont deserve it, at least not until the last Hotel Transylvania movie is released and Tartakovsky has mastered CG animation.


>Knowing the movie would have sported the supremely delightful animated eye candy Tartakovsky is known for


>Knowing it'd have been dragged the fuck down by executive mandate into something barely resembling Popeye, hints of which is already visible in the preview footage

This is a case where either outcome sits half well, half badly.

Reminder that the Emoji movie made a lot of money and likely got its money back from sponsorship money alone. And it probably made more money than the potential Popeye movie would've made.

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>but Sony decided to cancel it and release the emoji movie instead

And they were right

>Believe that Sony wanted to cancel the project.
>Making a movie without having the rights to use the character.
The mistake was made by Sony from the moment they thought about making the Popeye movie without a license to use the character. When hackers leaked the short and uploaded it to the internet, Popeye's rights owner sent them a Cease and Desist. And the only thing that occurred to him was to take out a new project that we know as the Emoji Movie.

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what is that, like a bootleg Mao Mao or something?

What if rather than cancelling the project entirely, it's been shelved for the future, and the emoji movie was made as a quick buck to ensure that the studio has the assets to go nuts with a riskier project like Popeye? I know execs and investors are a greedy, weary, superstitious bunch, but they're still human beings, and not wanting to gamble on an IP that may not turn a profit without having backup funds in case the movie bombs sounds like a good way to prevent net losses down the line.

People who think in moneybags and investment always think much later ahead than the average person. How many Yas Forums and Yas Forums projects have been shelved or worked at minimum capacity in order to ensure a profit margin in the future, despite taking years or decades to really take off? For a videogame example, think of how the creator and studio behind the Oddworld series lost its funding for true sequels in the 90s, and only in the mid-10s did he get enough dosh from the Oddworld remakes in order to restart his plan of making a more cinematic sequel to his original game and keep the ball rolling for his long term plans. Dude waited more than 20 years to get his big break.

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This series came out long before Mao Mao was released, so Mao Mao would be the bootleg.

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Tartakovsky was told to his face that the higher-ups just didn't like Popeye anymore.

They likely settled on Popeye because it's a legacy brand, and only later did they realize that, to make the IP justice, you gotta feature certain themes they were less than comfortable with.

Maybe they could go back to it now that they're not putting as much money into live action stuff.

boomer shit

zoomer post

2000 isn't gen z

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Oh hey, it's Drawn Together all over again!

>People who think in moneybags and investment always think much later ahead than the average person
If that was true, getting them to stop polluting the only livable planet within 50 lightyears wouldn't be so next to goddamned impossible.

Popeye predates boomers by quite a bit.

Everyone should go read E.C. Segar's strips. Hysterical stuff.

>Genndy Tartakovsky: Basically, we did a screening, and it was great. Internally, everyone was super happy with it. I think it was also exactly what King Features wanted. We had a great reaction.

>But this was also during the culmination of the Sony hack, and I could feel that something was going to happen soon. So after the screening, I didn’t get an answer from them, which was weird because everybody was so positive. Usually, we meet and talk, and get notes. But they had a meeting on their own, and that was it. I just got a phone call afterward telling me how great it was, which always makes me suspicious. If they just call to tell you it’s great, there’s something going on, because they didn’t offer any notes. Later on, I personally went to see Amy Pascal, and said, “Look, I’m a big boy. I can take it. I just need some information.” And she said, “Look Genndy, we love you, but we just don’t like Popeye.”

Popeye was literally his dream project since his first animation teacher was a 90 year old Gordon Sheehan who worked on the original Fleischer Popeye shorts. It was his destiny to make the movie and Sony robbed him of it to make the fucking Emoji movie.

Amy Pascal’s continued existence infuriates me.

>AIDS beats out SPINACH

It’s sad to hear that

Eh. I saw the animatic. You didn't miss as much as you think you did.

Replace SPINATH with ALCOHOL and the whole series make much more sense

drinks alcohol (eats spinath)
gets drunk
thinks dude trying to get his girl
fight random dudes

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Tell us about the story and the comedy.

As someone raised on the E.C. Segar strips and the Fleischer cartoons I have to agree. Some of the stuff in there is downright sacrilegious for Popeye's character.

Yes, yes, I know, "it was gonna be an origin story", "it's a younger Popeye", "he was gonna become the Popeye we know through the course of the film". To which I tell you, the notion of waiting until the last ten minutes of the film for Popeye to become the character I paid to see repulses me.

Would you too vouch for a Bugs Bunny film where he's timid and insecure for most of it? How about a Tom and Jerry where they're friends for almost all of its run? Oh wait, that already happened and everyone rightfully hated it to death.

Looks like a lame Popeye to be honest user.

Popeye should smoke a pipe, punch his way through every possible problem b j.g abe mo teeth and one eye.

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There never was any hope to begin with.

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Popeye unable to defend himself via his own fists and instead relying on wacky contraptions reeks of the disgustingly sanitized 70's series. Olive's "but who's gonna save You?" is so anathema to the essence of the character you might as well have made him an OC.

The fuck is Cartoon Saloon?

The Secret of Kellis folks.

The fuck is that?