Do you guys think they would be the type of couple to likely to have one child and be done or have a shit ton of kids?

Do you guys think they would be the type of couple to likely to have one child and be done or have a shit ton of kids?

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First off, BASED Moxxie-and-Millie-poster. Secondly, they could go either way. One kid, 'cause they wanna be moral and only focus on one kid or a bunch of kids, 'cause it's Hell and what are morals?

They don't seem like the type to have kids.

>Helluva Boss

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> having an only child is moral and having multiple is immoral
Unironically fuck off
I could see them being forced to only have one child seeing as Hazbin established Hell has overpopulation issues, maybe Hell has a One Child Policy

I don’t know, I could see them having kids but not for a couple seasons
But they’ll never get picked up so no kids for nowhere

They do tho but I highly doubt Viv will make them have one because it would make them less relatable to this "lmao kids are lame man/womanchild 4 life" generation.

>one child and be done
Brilliant strategy to go extinct.

Buncha kids, mostly because they're the kind of couple that just straight up fucks constantly.
Romantic night long sessions, a dirty quickly in the office bathroom, straps in the basement, all kinds of shit.

man they are in hell they have a overpopulation problem so bad they have a purge every year

That is a good point, I am retarded.

*hits pipe*

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I think they'd be the type to wait until their job situation is less shit. Would you want to have kids if your career relied on Blitzo's stability?

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they really look like a couple looking foward to start a family, they seem to focus most of their time on bonding and building a life together while trying to act in a pretty "family like" and mature way

just imagine them with a kid, their behaviour wouldn't need to change at all

That's not how one grabs the hand that chokes you.

She's got fewer digits than he does, cut her some slack

Slightly less murder.

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>Queen of Spades tattoo

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That's a heart, you idiot. It actually means BWC only.

I mean, that is a gentle embrace, not someone clawing for life.

I wonder how that dynamic works exactly. Imps and hellhounds are natives to hell right? So would they factor in to the overpopulation the same way your average sinner would? You'd think the souls would be the main focus of the purges.

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This is exactly how it would happen


1 kid to dote on exclusively. They seem like the type who'd want to focus on just one special child. Maybe 2.

Vivzie is a genius for making waifu/husbando bait for everyone. You got a canon bi main character, a lesbean, a plethora of gays, a loving straight couple, and even a literal furry bitch. Theres something there for horny losers of all stripes.

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>Loads Shotgun

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>but not for a couple seasons
I could see Millie being pregnant as a good cliff hanger for a season finale.

You're assuming that heaven cares enough to spare the imps when bombing the place and killing indiscriminately is easier.

Hazbin Hotel? More like Fagbin Fruitel!

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They both have vaginas.
