
Where the fuck can I watch this show legally? Why doing things legally is such a fucking hassle?
Who in their right mind wouldn't just pirate shit if available instead of subscribing (free trial) to a steaming service that claims that have the show your looking for but turns out it is not there anymore and the only way you can look at their shitty content list is to subscribe.

Hasbro used to have this show available for free on their YouTube channel but they removed it/made it private
TL;DR: Where can I watch Hanazuki: Full of Treasures without getting blasted with tons of redirects, shitty ads and incomplete list of episodes?

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You don't. The franchise is dead. Move on with your life and stop pining over this preschool show with tiny feet.


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Maybe this is a lesson to save anything you like on your harddisk the moment you find it.

i regret not ripping all the international dubs off youtube while it was still there
now everything is kill

Attached: Evazuki.webm (768x576, 841.36K)

I second the OP's question. I've saved about 3/4 of the series before it disappeared.

I just can't believe they would have the full first season on Youtube, then taking it off without putting it anywhere else. What's the point? What do they gain by doing that?

They actually have it on their website (hanazuki.hasbro / video)
I managed to watch the 20 episodes on there, not even full season 1 then when I checked on it later the episodes are no longer there and /videos just redirects you to the homepage.

I have to use VPN to get back to /videos now

We're suppose to get a movie.

I saw a very well animated Hanazuki short in front of the _________ movie.

Hello all. This is the same user here I'm happy to say that's been my policy for well more than a decade. Every now and then it really saves my ass... and sometimes the fandom's.

Apparently I saved ALL of the episodes from the first season of Hanazuki from YouTube. I also managed to scrounge up some web-rip files from another source and compared them for quality. I have to say the original YouTube downloads are still the best by a notable margin.

I also have all 8 episodes of season 2, and two files that purport to be the movie. (I haven't finished the first season, so I'm not going to watch them yet to find out.)

Give me a bit and I'll upload them to a MEGA....

Stay tuned, thread.

Attached: tumblr_pn3yalWqJg1uqkjddo1_1280.png (1280x719, 153.76K)

Thank you in advance, gonna wait patiently

Here is the Mega link, base 64 encoded. Enjoy.


Attached: tumblr_ose9t1moi31r9qxp3o3_1280.png (700x460, 156.49K)


Show should have been better written. Good idea, very pitiful execution.

Also can I use YouTube as an infinite cloud/Google drive to save all my favourite shows if I put them on private or unlisted?

If they compress everything you upload, again, then it's a bad idea.

Thank you for the work.

thank you based user

i've been holding out for a hanazuki co thread so i could talk about the pantie shots

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 10.12.29 PM.png (1038x1318, 1.01M)

I know, right? Everybody just keeps talking about her feet.

i swear there's some other subtle fetish references snuck in there too

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-09 at 12.48.09 PM.png (2136x1276, 2.15M)

Isn't there a movie in production?

Thank you, user.

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was the party episode really the last episode?

post more kiabuse

Yep. They canceled the show right after, leaving it on a cliffhanger. I hate it when that happens.

Reminder that Piracy is a civic duty. Remind them---even now, when they think they have a captive audience---that you will continue to consume their entertainment without supporting them or the corporatist cult they prop up.

It's really just the one guy.
Kiazuki is the only one doing the abusing.

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this but unironically

I like how they change color with her mood

They really stretched what counts as an emotion. Also I guess they had to use "feisty" because teaching kids about anger is forbidden.

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And yet depression was ok

What were the new ones in s2? I forgot

thank you king