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My sister is one of em
>My sister is one of em
Is she hot?
Based coomer.
Disney loses money, the workers can get their Trump bucks (though since Florida is shit they probably won't be getting additional unemployment to make up for their lost wages), and anons get to act like smug cunts.
Will this finaly make Disney a fucking studio give up spending half of their money on fucking parks?
They got a job in a seasonal recreational park, generally the FIRST thing that closes in any type of emergency. It's their own fault for taking on a shit job with no prospects and is functionally useless to society as a whole. They deserve no sympathy.
They're getting their Romney Commiebucks anyway so fuck em.
Is she cold?
I'm surprised they paid me for this long.
what's a furlough?
>no prospects
This ain't Legoland. Having Disney on your resume is a free pass in the hospitality industry.
kind of like unpaid leave but they should be able to return once this coronavirus shit is over.
You're still employed but they stop paying you until they say you can work again.
Fancy word for temporarily laid off.
can disney not afford to pay them?
I work for the county/state, got furloughed this week. Our wages are paid via state taxes, and with nothing open, they can't pay us anymore. Before that, I was on paid leave. I just filed for unemployment today, never done it before in my life and I'm not sure if I filled it out correctly. Guess I'll find out soon.
Its a shitty situation that's fucking over everyone.
We may joke about The Mouse having endless money and resources, but the reality is that most of their revenue has been cut off. During the warm spring/summer months the company relies on parks being open, vacation bucks. Combine that with movie theaters being shut down, they're hurting for money. They're not an essential business.
Should have gotten a rel job instead of looking for state handouts.
Nice digits
What if Disney Parks don't reopen until August?
They're billions in debt, the parks were they're most consistent source of revenue and they aren't getting a government bailout. They only paid the cast members for a month while the parks were closed because Universal did but Universal is part of more stable and diversified parent corporation.
>getting paid tondo a job
tfw you cant get one of the meridas to bring the costume home and fuck you in character so she can get paid over these hard times
With movie theaters, theme parks and cruises all suspended it's cut off a lot of their cash flow. Corporations don't have Scrooge McDuck money bins to pay people out of, most of their value isn't in cash, it's in the things they own.
On the other hand, they fired up a nice Streaming Service right as a lot of the country was forced to hole up and watch television.
A truly fortunate turn of events for them, well timed.
The problem is that a big chunk of their subscribers are people who got a year subscription free through Verizon.
Re-read the post you illiterate moron. I work for the state, providing a public service to the community. It's my fucking job to help children and families, jackass. But unfortunately the state can't pay me and 200 other people because our cash comes from state taxes. In fact my position makes sure deadbeats have jobs
>>YFW Disney actually has to put efforts in their movies again to recover
The problem is that Disney+ is a fucking wasteland of new content. The Mandalorian came and went, and that's about the only original show they have going for them. There is nothing until Falcon and Winter Soldier are released, and even worse, they stupidly canceled shows like their Lizzie McGuire relaunch (They filmed two episodes and found out cheating was used in the plot, so they fired the director, which pretty much canned the entire project) and they canceled the Kevin Smith show because it integrated too many Disney Brands into it.
Outside putting Onward onto the platform, there is nothing that Disney has that can make the platform a necessity. I wouldn't be shocked if people drop the platform because there's no reason to watch a service for several films you've already seen.
>got paid for like, a month
oh well, unemployment HERE I COME
>40 thousand new applicants to the florida state unemployment line overnight
Nobodies making movies, cartoons or shows anytime soon, buddy. We're in for an epic media dry spell when the backlog runs out.
Random thought, but who is stockpiling on cartoons/anime right now?
reminder that disney kicked out the college and international program students who might not even be able to fly home out from there dorms with a 5 day notice and expected them to still work 2 more days
I'm going to binge Retro Crush for the foreseeable future. Watch all that anime I used to see advertised in 90's magazines.