Damn, this guy is still fucking brutal even with what he's going through. Mad props

Damn, this guy is still fucking brutal even with what he's going through. Mad props.


Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 6.40.29 PM.png (784x1094, 640.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is he going through?



>twitter thread

F except a bit hopeful and optimistic

Zeurel is the only internet animator

He's essentially the Eric Goldberg of internet animation.

can someone just post the gif

Here you go loser. You're welcome.

Attached: some gay fucking filename.webm (1280x1180, 2.96M)

Him and Harry Partridge are based as fuck

I was expecting something like cancer or worse before I clicked that.

i'll allow it

Attached: JUDGE FUCK.png (960x720, 301.02K)

>Harry Partridge
Mister my daddy is a rock star and I'm a lazy cunt with thin skin?
Yeah, he's so based that he threatened to quit animating because people on the internet say mean things.

>it's another fucking twitter screencap thread because Yas Forums's userbase has the IO of a goldfish

>the IO

How do you get it off twitter? I can only get images.

you know covid has like a 1 month kill cycle for like 30% of the people who get it, right? Even if you don't die, there's a high chance you'll end up lying on a hospital bed with a tube jammed down your throat forcing air into your lungs hoping to keep you alive long enough for your body to fight it off, because there's no cure, right?

Cancer patients can live for years and have a treatment, COVID patients at this point in time are fucked.

who the fuck is Filipe

Oh shit.
I hope things work out for him.

I also hope one day people remember him more for The Walking City than Black Ace.

>Mister my daddy is a rock star and I'm a lazy cunt with thin skin?
wtf are you talking about?
>he threatened to quit animating because people on the internet say mean things.
Source or never happened

Big deal. I'd more impressed if he animated them in one big orgy together.

Well, the first part is his dad was Andy Partridge from XTC

where are you getting this number from?

Attached: COVID-CFR-by-age.png (1577x1222, 134.44K)

>even with what he's going through
A disease that is mild or barely noticeable for anyone under the age of 60 with moderate health? Oh man. Brutal.

Attached: agog.jpg (314x256, 87.51K)

>meanwhile New York is digging mass graves in public parks
>china just ordered 200,000 bodybags for their 0 new reported cases in months
>it's a worldwide emergency, already classified as worse than the world wars
>so long as you don't have asthma, lung problems, any type of cancer, bronchitis, an auto immune disorder or basically any underlying health disorder like hypertension or high blood pressure etc
>not to mention the fact that if he's in the US he's gonna have to pay like $20k each for him and his wife and be in debt for the rest of his life

yeah it's just a flu bro, why is he acting like a bitch when him or his wife is gonna die?

Video DownloadHelper with expansion app

Stop posting outdated information dumbass.

>le it's just a flu post
yeah man just drink aquarium cleaner fluid what's the issue

>barely noticeable
>over 6k daily deaths and still didn't peaked
This shit is projected to kill millions this year

>I understood that reference.gif

>dude Coronavirus has a 100% fatality rate, every single person who ever got it will die
>there's no use stocking up, it'll spread to every single person

Getting sick of these posters.

>it's just a flu bro
>No it's not.
Calm down.

saying it'll kill millions =/= saying it's the end of the world

You know what's crazy? The character on the lower right side, Filipe, is from a rare Bulgarian version of Treasure Planet, which came out two decades earlier despite looking like it was made with no budget whatsoever. How nice.

Attached: images.jpeg.jpg (464x661, 45.89K)

It's not the end of the world but second statistics it will kill up to 40 million if ignored.

If everyone had taken the necessary preucations this shit wouldn't kill more than the flu but right now there is no way we can avoid at least a couple million deaths at 2020