I know when I'm beat

I know when I'm beat.

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Is this out or just a leak?

Today's episode.

Did they seriously imply she is the leader? Isn't she the most scatter brained of the whole team?


That would be Dale.

But it was clear Chip was always the leader.

Monty was the muscle.

Gadget the brains.

Dale the comedy relief.

Zipper?....No clue what this faggots role was?!.

Another generation for her to corrupt.

pretty cute. would start cult

I want a mashup of the chip and dale theme with "Run with us" from the raccoons.

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Annoying sidekick pet, Every cartoon has to have one apparently.

>Zipper?....No clue what this faggots role was?!.
He's just the token team mascot/pet that all detective teams have.

Zipper could fly.


Yes but Gadget is a better leader. Chip is way too egotistical to work in that role

So a link or what?

Gadget is the Token Female so that means she's a genius as is part of the shitty gynocentric agenda.

And in this new incarnation the implication is that the male animals are failures. They're not smart but Gadget is after the experiment. Fuck Disney for their gynocentric bullshit.

I had my doubts after some of those first leaked images but that's a really good looking design that the wonky perspective of those early images wasn't doing justice to.

>Gadget is the Token Female so that means she's a genius
but...she was a Genius in the original show...right?

She was. And her gender was never brought up in relation to her skills, either positively or negatively.

Because no one knew what this propaganda was back in the day. In retrospect I really hate Gadget. Women aren't intelligent mechanics, scientists, etc. And don't even get me started on Sally from Sonic's cartoon.

Cartoons present women as extremely competent, skilled, intelligent for one single reason and that's to mentally castrate boys. They'll grow up accepting this bullshit.

Who hurt you, whats her name?

why they didn't give to us a show called disney afternoon instead of ducktales?

This is the kind of election tourist level posts that keeps me laughing all day long on this failure of a board.

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That's pretty much what Ducktales is becoming anyway with all these cameos



Taking all those creeper photos of her is nobody's fault but your own.

Gander wasn't brought up here?

At this rate even Oswald will appear in Ducktales before Mickey does

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I commend their efforts at blending all of these characters into a single Disney Afternoon universe. I just wish the show itself was entertaining. The excitement of seeing these guest stars is not enough to compensate for the general drabness.

where did you learn that word kid