Why am I so attracted to Total Drama character designs? wtf is wrong with me?

Why am I so attracted to Total Drama character designs? wtf is wrong with me?

Attached: RockandIcelandSwamGirl.png (974x546, 370.19K)

You have an geometric shape fetish. No biggie.

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TD characters must look really weird when facing the camera.

They're simple yet appealing character designs that are easy to draw and therefor easy to make porn of.

not really

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They have all the right shapes to be recognizable as sexy.

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Where is Emma?

I think this image came out well before RR

Making whoopie with Noah.

Attached: nemma___our_night_tonight_by_evaheartsyou_d9ardki-fullview.jpg (1024x820, 78.81K)

I hate that the franchise is dead, the reaction threads for TD were the best.

There's still Rama

We'll wait for the inevitable reboot in 10 years when 2000's nostalgia becomes a thing.

Have you forgotten the toddler spinoff/reboot?

I think he means the franchise as a reality competition show parody.

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You know that's not even close to the main series.

Well, at least you're attracted to the girls and most of them are designed to look cute or hot.

I can't lie and not say that Emma and Noah are the TDI characters I look the most porn of.

The Rockers should have won RR and it was a shame the geezers got booted so early.

I'm not saying it doesn't have any, but it really does need more r34, it's lacking quite a bit for the god tier designs

>needs more porn

Have you been living under a rock?

I mean it was a fairly stale joke even in 2008

kill it with fire

It's a versatile style that allows for unique characters. Also this

Attached: Izzy_Jokes.png (1366x768, 546.05K)

Best girl in every season.

Attached: Ozzy_making_out_beth_knife_killer_sandwitch.png (1365x768, 742.92K)