I want to protect his smile

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literally all he does is complain lately

hey chris - you can still play the original ff7 and re3. The remakes did not replace the original

that doesn't fucking matter. if something sucks you can complain about it and babies who can't handle negativity should go hide in their smelly daipers.

I want to buy this plush so badly!!! How much does it cost? I don't mind the price, I just need to know.

shill harder

chris please fuck off

inb4 this thread hits the the bump limit

Fuck off, if I want to support a content creator I like, I can do so.

He's always been complaining, that's his main style of humor.

That's because he's a literal manchild, just like anyone else who thinks playing video games for a living is a viable career.

I'm posting it

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>playing video games for a living is a viable career
It actually is for some people and they do pretty well. It's sad it makes you so mad, like you can't understand how one makes money without having a boring, traditional job. Simple jealousy.

So that's why I've been seeing that so much lately.

4chins/newgrounders can't deal with getting called out like this?

At least post Chris' response

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Makes me think of Patriot Lieutenant.

what's your opinion on girls with an onlyfans account?

>annouce a remake that has been requested for years
>lol surprise its a sequel #subverted
>and we stretched out 2 hour sections of the OG game with filler so it can be sold episodically for 60 dollars each

That style is used by multiple animators though. That's why it's a general style. Would Pendleton Ward need to be tagged in anything taking a shit on bean mouth?

It's not the same, you blind defender.

>gets called a fag
"ugh, you're just a blind defender..."

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sir, please answer the question.

He's unironically right about FF7R. Everyone here was saying the same thing even.

Ff7r fucking sucks. Time travelling ghosts are fucking stupid

Oney's gonna pull an Arin sooner or later.

That style is really only Zach and Oneys though, "newgrounds style" isn't really a set thing since there was a lot of people on newgrounds.
That twitter trannies and Yas Forumsmblr are only even posting that because zachs pilot was getting popular. Most of them never even visited newgrounds.

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Nah, his gf doesn't have fetal alcohol syndrome so she can't degrade his values

Chris is still loyal to tom fulp.

As he should be, Tom's a really sweet guy

FF7R is fanfiction trash, it deserves the hate its getting.

Arin shit talked fulp along with all of NG. Chris would never do that

It's Chris that can't take a joke. I don't even think Zack made a comment on it and good on him.

Chris automatically took it as a jab at him and made a shit comment on the post. And of course his beloved fans took it as an attack on Chris alone and began making a spectacle in the replies.

Do people realize that "Newgrounds style" was just a shit joke? Not to be taken seriously? The post didn't need to guarder that much controversy.

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>7R is trash
>Re3 is trash
>P5R is false advertised trash

If xenoblade DE is bad im gonna be upset, every other remake so far this year has been trash

I dont understand his logic behind that fucking rant he did shitting on Newgrounds. The people of NG fucking made him and he proceeds to shit all over them. Chris and Cory shouldve laid into him much more

>lol bro i was just joking when i called you a homophobic racist
Sounds a little like backpedaling.

>"Newgrounds style" was just a shit joke?
No that guy was serious and then backpedaled in saying "it was just joke brah!"

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>E-celeb who spouts contrarian opinions vindicated by shithole that also spouts contrarian opinions
What a surprise.

Pretty much the same as anyone who's "job" consists of being a dancing monkey for cretins on the internet.

That includes letsplayers, camgirls, youtubers, streamers, whatever.

Chris sperged out since it was aimed at him AND newgrounds as a whole.

Have you even played it user? It's pretty universally panned and once the honeymoon phase is over, it's gonna drop on metacritic again

I bet you liked harry potter and the time travelling child too.

Guess nobody's allowed to make a joke at Chris.

If his feelings were hurt then should've DM'd the guy.