This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on earth - Mexico or Portugal!

>This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on earth - Mexico or Portugal!


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>Americans think Mexico is actually good at futbol

Unfortunately, height does have a lot to do with playing sports. There's no way manlets can compite against a bunch of 6'6 german monsters.


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Except that being shorter gives you less reaction time, a better gravity center and a better and more dexterous domain on your limbs.

Height only benefits you in basketball and volleyball.

Messi, Maradona and Pele are manlets

>less reaction time

>people cant understand a simple joke

>This match will determine once and for all which nation is the greatest on earth - Niger or Germany!

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Wasn't that the joke? Both of those countries suck at football (Portugal not so much, but this was before CR7)

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Portugal(and Mexico) was never even able to even reach the finals.

Attached: finals.png (818x465, 29.25K)

Nigger life is not a videogame.

Hahahaha manlet cope

He's not tall, but definitely not short. And obviously, he's a special case, not everyone can be Messi
Maradona and Pele both played in a time where players were a little bit shorter.
I'm not saying manlets can't be good at sports. Shit, from what I have seen in my life, they sometimes put a lot more effort into being good to compensate their heigh.
good manlet > mediocre tall player
good player > > > good manlet

Height benefits you in everything, especially in life. When you will ever learn?

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>Germany is the Final Boss

The joke is only third world shitholes play soccer.

Just like my canadian video games!

this is one of my favourite scenes in the simpsons
i'm not american, so football is big here - but i don't care about football so it still hit home

No. The joke is that they're acting like winning at soccer matters when irrelevant countries like Argentina, Sweden, Hungary and Uruguay make it to the finals and some of them win. If it's not USA vs USSR it didn't matter to Americans in the 90s.

But soccer is the biggest sport in Russia/USSR. They just suck at it.


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Dude, Messi literally had a growth hormone disorder. He was way shorter than the average person.

Explain why Germany is the best then? Wtih Euro nations coming out on top

Like I said, third world shitholes.

Exactly. If the USSR didn't git gud at it to show up the west then it's not a real sport. Meanwhile the Miracle on Ice was voted SI's most iconic cover despite most Americans having no clue who Connor McDavid is.

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>90% of the confirmed subaharan cases were on South Africa
>9% at Ghana

It's crystal clear africa simply can't test anyone due to lack of medics and hospitals or maybe even their population ignoring it, their only 2 non shithole countries got 99% of all cases.

Mexico was fated to lose, after all, Portugal has Ariaga, Ariaga II, Bariaga, Aruglia and De Souza.

based coffin dance boys will get rich

Mexico is invincible in their home turf, what about Portugal?

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lol okay retard

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