What's the most tryhard Family Guy episode?

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The Frank Grimes episode. Show was never the same again.

Seth McFarlene is the master of pretentiousness.
Also that one where the guy was beating Quagmaire's sister was undercut by how Peter supported the abuser the whole time.

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Aleast it had a plot,now its just setups for cutaway gags fuck you op

I mean it was funny when I FIRST saw it.

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Doesn't he abuse his daughter all the time?

Where is this from?

I fucking hate that Peter is now this all-powerful serial killer who just goes around terrorizing mankind.

When was the last time when Family Guy had a "very serious" episode?

That would be an interesting premise for a show, a serial killer who is aware that he is the protagonist of a cartoon that can't exist without him being a serial killer so he just uses it as an excuse to be a complete douche without consequence

Seth? Holy shit, I had no idea...

Sounds like a better version of The Unfunnies


It took a bit before people realized Season 4+ was different. At the time it was just new varieties of jokes in a show that had multiple different kinds, Stewie using a flamethrower on Brian wasn't that different if you didn't know what the tone was going to be very soon.

Does Rich Old Stewie count? Future Stewie learns Peter is dying and they do stuff like it's real but then at the end it was just the family tricking Stewie to get his money but he kills them right at the end because he expected it. It's not entirely a conventional one like Brian's death but for awhile it's kinda on that type.

It's mainly been cutaway gags for years. Most of the episodes in OP's pic came out after Cartoon Wars

god the brian abuse on this show makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
It's not even that he's a dog but they just... do him so god damn dirty.

Like, the parts where Brian got the shit beat out of him by Stewie for not paying him money is pretty funny, but seeing Brian literally get his tail chopped off, then shoved down his throat rubs me the wrong way for some reason.


Because it's over the top at the atmosphere is usually off, they don't always take it entirely seriously when it's happening so it's got this feel that someone making it finds it funny even though it's so fucked up. Also he used to be a good boy until they changed his character type which is around the same exact time he started getting the shit beat out of him constantly.

Does the episode when Brian and Stewie go into the future and find out Stewie ended up being an average lame adult still hold up? I remember that was the episode that got me into Family Guy.

Family Guy's like that one friend you have who used to be really fun to be around, but after a bad head injury, all they do is either act completely sedated or spout insane, uncomfortable shit for no reason. But you keep seeing him in the vain hope some part of your old buddy's still there.

Do you mean the episode where they're watching TV and future stewie shows up and they go and find him? Stewie helps him have sex but then his apartment burns down because of candles? I think it's still good, I saw it somewhat recently on TV. I remember the danananadadananana Jesus scene vividly because when I first got a PSP when I was younger I found a site with specific format videos to download on it and that was one the site had.

y-you wanna talk about it user?


Bruh, what? Context?

I hate you so much

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