ITT: Vastly Overrated Animated Series'

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itt: OP with shit taste'

>Boyfriend of the week and weekly attempt to get the girl: the show

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i only like 1 character from this show and dont care for anything else about it

and this is coming from a zoomer Gravity Falls fan

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Book 1 - the Perennial Child only. Book 2 -
Cracked Reflection was fucking amazing.

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Book one "fans" are literally just coomers who are into tribe wars
Like Amphibia and Owl House that season has no real fans

>Like Amphibia
Amphibia absolutely has real fans, there's just also sadly as many coomers

the only people who worship ATLA and consider it one of the best animated series' are one or more of the following:
Lore/actionfags (People who only watch stuff if it has a ongoing narrative)

Pic is a good example. What's those arrows tattooed on a kid suppose to be?

It's hard to find them now
Maybe when season 2 comes

As the guy who made most of the Season 1 threads, you're spot on. Everytime I try to make a thread since the hiatus, it's just creepy pedos who are only watching to coom so I just stay out of those threads now

you forgot waifufag

Go away, Mauler

Who's Mauler?

This show was never that great

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To be fair, they toned that shit down in season 2. And then the second half of season 2 happened.

I think I went into this with too high of expectations due to the hype and ended up bored and disappointed.

Phineas and Ferb
Loud House
EEnE (even as a fan)

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Can someone tell me what the twist is? I'm never gonna watch the show but I heard theres a twist and I'm nosy.

Sorry to say I don't remember because it left that little of an impression on me


Isn't it the author is Stan's twin brother he doesn't talk about until he came back (you've definitely seen the author if you browse the board)
That's all I remember

>book one has no real fans
Wtf are you on about? I really liked, from the art (especially the backgrounds) to the music and I love some of the jokes like the ones in the first cat episode with Randal and the one where she declares bankruptcy to clear the world. Tribe wars bullshit was retarded and caused by faggots being unable to just enjoy their fucking show mainly amphibia faggots.

>Over the Garden Wall
>Steven Universe (Obviously)
>Batman: The Animated Series
>Regular Show
>Glitch Techs

The last two are only people who want to fuck the girl characters even the people in the threads say it isn't that good

Fuck off Mauler!

season 1 was mediocre but this show is one of the only cartoons that feels like the creators actually care. It's not an amalgam of corporate interests. Given the setting there's surprisingly little lore bait. (although season 1 comes off as hilariously obtuse sometimes when it tries too hard to be mysterious with the conductor and whatnot.) There is no "I'm so sorry I should never have treated you that way", "no I'm sorry it was my fault" forced lesson at the end of every episode (in contrast, half of the SU future episodes end with "im sorry look I'm crying now")

Season 2 protag has a goal. She will obtain it at almost any cost. Let's see where the premise takes us. The show leaves any morality questions up to YOU. It's simply good storytelling.

OK KO was fucking top notch in its first season.

When is the Mauler vs E;R showdown?