>Smoking is bad for you and also kills people around you and destroys the environment but you eat food so you're a fucking evil hypocrite and need to shut the fuck up
ITT : Times South Park was shit
>Smoking is bad for you and also kills people around you and destroys the environment but you eat food so you're a fucking evil hypocrite and need to shut the fuck up
ITT : Times South Park was shit
More like
>anti-smoking groups commonly lie or stretch the truth to scare kids away from smoking, so this episode is going to be 100% pro smoking to try and show people why black/white thinking isn't productive
>also, Rob Reiner is fat lol
ITT: times OP was wrong
Did you even watch the episode?
Name one reason why people should be encouraged to smoke.
South Park was never once correct in its politics. It’s the goddamn truth.
To kill retards, faggots, and niggers. Thank you very much, I'll be here all week.
Yeah the anti smoking people were all fat and wanted to kill children
Pinko detected.
I think they were pointing out that smoking is a self indulgence that generally dosen't harm other people.
Meanwhile the guy giving the smoker a hard time is an over indulgent attention seeking disgusting slob who can ruin your appetite looking at him. Smelling him (fat people can't clean themselves) or their loud obnoxious attitude.
I'm personally less offended by the people smoking out on the patio than say if in the resturant they seat Joey World Tour stuffing what looks like feces in his mouth and then regurgitating it.
Look, South Park Creators are Old School Americans that believe the best thing you can do is just leave people alone.
The fat loud bastard has his own addiction to deal with but instead ignores his problem and gets on the smoker's case.
That's retarded because there's tons of data to back up that smoking is harmful to you. They're just libertarians which is why they specifically had that smoking rep point out the warning on the pack and that people still choose to smoke today and had people sing a song about not giving shit about smoking cause they're gonna get cancer at age 80 and won't care by then.
Obesity fucks society up too. Ever since most people were redpilled about smoking, being fat is the new way to die slow and ruin your family's lives.
Ensures employment for medical care workers...my Mom and Dad were both Nurses and they simply said smoking removes competition for me and keeps them employed.
>I think they were pointing out that smoking is a self indulgence that generally dosen't harm other people.
Reports on second hand smoke say otherwise
The whole point wasn't to glamorize smoking, it was to make fun of lame anti-drug/smoking programs like D.A.R.E (of which Butt Out was a spot-on parody) and to do a role reversal with the pro-smoking people being decent and the anti-smoking people being greedy and predatory, just like in Krazy Kripples where Christopher Reeve becomes a supervillain or in Elementary School Musical where the abusive dad wants his son to engage in singing.
Did you really think the "Hidey-Lidey" song was sincere?
>Smoking is bad for you and also kills people around you and destroys the environment
Eating enough calories to sustain 5 'normal' people surely has no environmental impact.
Smokers tend to die fast from cancer, now fat fucks you can milk for decades with diabetes and cardio bills.
I'll probably get lung cancer from car fumes anyway...
I've never known a person to die of second hand smoke these days because smokers are usually polite enough to smoke outside and the wind takes care of it. Smoking indoors is ghetto.
Also how is it Tobacco smoke is evil yet marijuana smoke isn't?
Watching the 6 days to air documentary, you realise they literally just go with whatever story they can roll with. I imagine the layout for this story was
>Man, those fucking Rob Reiner PSA's are so weird/funny/over dramatic
>Haha yeah like, imagine if they just outright killed a kid to make a point
>Lol, and Reiner is trying to promote healthy living even though he's probably on his 5th heart
>shit it's monday better get writing
Probably not as political as people think, just getting annoyed at being guilt tripped by PSA's.
>seeing a fat guy eat is worse than inhaling secondhand smoke
Go buy your pack of fags, shitdick.
People love to pretend being fat is just their problem and ignore the fact that they clog up the healthcare system and are often poor and on government insurance, so in the end the average person ends up paying for it.
>Also how is it Tobacco smoke is evil yet marijuana smoke isn't?
It doesn't contain the thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes. It also doesn't linger as long.
Weed smoke doesnt have tar in it
>Also how is it Tobacco smoke is evil yet marijuana smoke isn't?
Because actual insitutional racism in the 50s told people that weed was bad because niggers and mexicans smoke it.
So, doing it in today's climate where the radical left uses "racist" and "sexist" the same way Joseph McCarthy used "communist" isn't very smart.
...aslo motocycles...my parents forbade me from being interested in motorcycles and to prove their point, my Mom took me to the Hospital to see a dead motorcyclist and witness organ harvesting.
Basically every month they had to do this procedure.
That was enough to keep me away from Motor cycles, drunk driving, smoking and doing jack ass stuff in general.
Seeing dead bodies and watching the dying.
If you really want your eyes opened, go work at a retirement home for half a year the ones that have sniff units for the vegetables...you'll stop complaining about petty shit in life after experiencing that.
Eh, too expenisive.
I don't smoke but social taxing tobacco is bulshit.
So it's cleaner? There has to be a downside to inhaling burning leaves.
Most people who die hin burning houses is from the smoke, not the flames. Sure Weed may be cleaner, but you are still inhaling smoke.
The smoke from a fire is also everywhere, more toxic since everything is burning and releasing chemicals and the air in the room is being removed by the fire. And yes of course it technically isn't good for you to smoke weed. Breathing in anything that isn't just air isn't good for the lungs. It's just healthier than tobacco.
Parker and Stone were really salty over losing the Best Original Song Oscar to Phil Collins for Tarzan. The way they mocked him was excessive even by SP standards.
Capitalism is oiled with the blood of the meek and feeble, user. Never forget
They fully expected to loose the Oscar (they were nominated for Blame Canada for Christ's sake). What was the real gut punch was losing to god damn Phil Collins of all people
Phil Collins really phoned in the Tarzan soundtrack, though.
that time America almost forgot about gerbiling, and then they depicted it in an episode.
and then that same episode they literally sent people to "tolerance camp" because LiBeRaLs ArE ThE ReAl NaZiS.
south park has done more harm to america than rush limbaugh