So what did we think ?

So what did we think ?

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It was pretty underwhelming. Also, surprised no one else is making a big deal of Gadget being naked on camera. I expected you guys to be bigger degenerates.

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Fun. I had the easter episode on VHS. I might even go back and rewatch it.

Probably one of the more surprising and successful cases of Disney re-inventing classic characters for modern audiences, right next to Tail Spin.

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that literally a rat user, not an anthropomorphic person
furries have standards

It was just there
Cute little cameo but it had no real effect on either property and wasn't needed

The hell they do.

The Hawaiian shirt doesn't make sense in this context.
I can see why they would make aviation attire, and that gadget would make a mechanic suit.

Am I just as dumb as steel trap for over analyzing there clothes.

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how's wife and kids, user?

Reminder that there still is a planned RR live action movie

On top of that it even looks like a Male rat.
Trans Gadget theories upcoming.

Search “rattata” on rule 34

That's not how it works, you're supposed to CLAP when you recognise them and hear the music

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>furries have standards

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Real men realize Chip was the hot RR

>If it leads to their own episode

It was a cute enough introduction to the universe

>If this is all we will ever see of then

Cute but easily the most hollow a crossover yet. Of course you gotta sympathize with Frank and Co. in that this might be as far as they're allowed to go, but the end result will stand out like a sore thumb if nothing else comes from it.

There better be more. I want my Donald-Rescue Rangers hijinx damnit.

>”live action”
>all characters will be cgi
Every time

Did anyone ever make it?

>>If this is all we will ever see of then
you know damn well that's the case

dont care, never watched it

>The Hawaiian shirt doesn't make sense in this context.
I'm pretty sure it's just inspired Tom Selleck from Magnum P.I., which quit airing only a year before Rescue Rangers came out.

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For once I'll be glad they're not TOO faithful if Chip doesn't bonk Dale before starting a sentence with the words "R U crazy??"

>Of course you gotta sympathize with Frank and Co.
>People who said Burger was a product of its time and changed him for the worse.

>furries have standards

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It’s 100%based on Magnum PI. On a similar note Chip’s costume is based on Indiana Jones.

Damn, that's a sexy cheese grater.

They did this while also creating a trio of beagles purposely chastised and depicted as losers, too.

Would you watch a movie where Harrison Ford and Tom Selleck play humanoid Chip and Dale but don't wear pants?

Who would not?


>furries have standards
says someone who has never seen a furry site

This episode was fucking amazing. The Bond parody, the Rescue Rangers cameo, the emotional stuff, Scrooge going nuts over tickets. Pure gold.