One of the few comic redheads that is casted appropriately

>one of the few comic redheads that is casted appropriately
>actress fired from the sequel and cancelled by hollywood

something's up

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She literally shit in Depp's bed.
I don't think you need a conspiracy to account for her getting ousted.

You don't just poop on your husband's bed for no reason user
If we reason using Ockam's razor, the most probable theory is that she was forced by someone to do it

Bed Shitter

She got caught faking black eyes and saying incriminating shit on tape. Shes just a bitch.

She was hot and all but thats about all she brought to the role. She can either be written off or recasted without much trouble. She's not the strongest actress and many others can wear that wig. At some point the baggage and negative publicity becomes too much.

She deserves to be thrown in jail.

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That's really not how Ockam's razor works.

It's called abuse. You do it to abuse someone.

>Mera is an abusive psychotic
>Flash is roughing up pregnant women
>Batman is an alcoholic chasing HS pussy
>Superman is a violent autist
>Wonder Woman is torturing people trapped at home with horrible sing-a-longs.
I say it's time to bring back Snyder and let him finish his Crime Syndicate masterpiece.

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Wait what did Flash do

>Something's up
Not everything is a conspiracy . Heard is just a cunt

What did Cavill do? I thought he was just a cunnysseur

>Wonder Woman is torturing people trapped at home with horrible sing-a-longs.
That could be in-character.

Women be crazy. News at 11.

I was speaking more to the established character of Man of Murder than Cavill himself, he was too pure for the Dark DCEU and got himself out.
Clearly he'll need to be recast.

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You talk like a woman.

You have internets.

You are woman.

>the worst thing Gal Gadot did is her singing
>not her continued support of genocide and human rights violations

Batfleck is Battison now.
WB has been over Cavill for some time.
Gadot thing has already blown over and outrage mobs have scattered to their next target.
No clue what will happen with Flash though.

I can’t find anything. Filming the new season was put on hold.

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Does the DCEU stand for the Domestic Coverup Extended Universe?

>>Wonder Woman is torturing people trapped at home with horrible sing-a-longs.
>Wonder Woman is a jewish rich person singing a song with the lyrics “imagine there’s no heaven”, “imagine no religion”, and “imagine no possessions” from her mansion
>Flash is a mentally ill jewish faggot who hits women
Momoa and Cyclops got out.

I mean assuming they just recast Mera we'll get another redhead.
If they decide to just abandon the character and replace her with a non-redhead then you have a point.

Oh cool, here I thought I missed something
I kinda like Cavill's look as Superman tho, I'd be willing to ignore everything that happened before

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What's her name again?

Made me Kek
Thank you Based bait poster

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Seriously. She was literally a propaganda model for a murderous genocidal regime.

>Flash is a mentally ill jewish faggot who hits women
Wait what

Search Jew Ezra Miller shakes down woman

>I mean assuming they just recast Mera we'll get another redhead.

user, I...

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In fairness, they should just replace her with Johnny Depp.

>Do you feel in charge?

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Cavill deserves better than the DCEU. Hopefully his career will heal from his exposure to it.
The rest deserve death.

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>She literally shit in Depp's bed.
Figuratively shitting in the bed is something Depp does a lot given his filmography

Tribes people are kind of allowed to get away with that.
I mean they literally say "WE BOUGHT THE LAND GOYIM" and expect to be believed

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Lil Black Mermaid
Big ol yike