"Lilo is a Brat"

Just in case people arguing about Newgrounds-style & CalArts-style wasn't enough shit-flinging for you on Twitter this week: Squigglydigg (a former Rise of the TMNT animator) and her literal-who friend decided to stir up a shit storm by talking about why Lilo & Stitch is a terrible film.


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Other urls found in this thread:



So ignoring all the live action garbage no one remembers, what IS the worst classic animated Disney film? Commercially I could see it being something like The Black Cauldron but I actually liked everything other than the stupid comic-relief imp or whatever it was. I definitely don't enjoy Sleeping Beauty much but I can see how it's objectively a well done film. I think probably Tarzan would be my pick for worst. I didn't care for the aesthetic, the songs aren't particularly iconic, and the story + characters are meh.

I thought Tarzan was cool. I'll give it to Home in the Range, completely forgettable

This trend of "thing that is actually good ISN'T" can't die quick enough. I'm not talking about the quality of the movie either, I mean the fact that Lilo is inherently innocent and a good person in spite of her upbringing.

Lilo & Stitch's a perfectly fine film. I'm just surprised to see that her shitty opinion's caused Lilo & Stitch to be on the trending tab for almost a day now

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Lilo is a five year old girl with no friends, a mostly dead family, a overworked sister who tries her best but just can't balance family and work all the time, constantly feels like a burden who's gonna get picked up by CPS one day, forcing her to be separated from her only family and overall is just a normal (although slightly autistic) child with bad circumstances
I know how you guys feel about """priviledge""" as an argument, but this cunt is beyond spoiled to not see how shitty Lilo has it which is why she acts out alot through the movie

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Lilo always felt like one of the better child characters in animation. When most are just lazily written like mini-adults. Although, Lilo's character got poorer and too overly mature in the sequel films and animated series.

nobody knows the cunt who made that opinion

actually based

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eh, I'm not surprised. the sheer outpour of salt from her wackass opinion will probably have it stay on there for another day or 2

i'm not going to read all that

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Unironically based and redpilled

>a former Rise of the TMNT animator
a show she worked on is terrible *and* her opinions are terrible. go figure.

>This is real

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>People who migrate here illegally are criminals and don't deserve the benefits they seek when other countries offer assistance but get ignored so anything bad that comes their way is wholly on them

>>a former Rise of the TMNT animator
wait, what?
wasn't she a crappy BATIM animator?

>People who migrate here illegally are criminals and don't deserve the benefits they seek when other countries offer assistance but get ignored so anything bad that comes their way is wholly on them
its a movie about a fucking alien finding the meaning of a family
how people can make these mentaljerks?

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Their entire argument boils down to Lilo wasn't bullied and is actually just a brat. They also said the entire concept of the movie should have been changed, Nani should have hated Stitch and treated him like a monster.

please ignore these kind of people. Don't make threads about them. Hide the threads that get made.

It´s unrelated to her post about the movie, tis just old dirt people are digging out-

however, she did say that movie is a bad portrayal of Hawai because idolizes Hawai's culture too much and it´s too mean to the whites

Reminded me of Steven Universe is Garbage And Here's Why.
Language sounds a lot like typical media critique but the arguments are nonsensical.

Am I in Groundhog day?

Lilo & Stitch is pretty popular and Lilo's one of the few child characters that genuinely feels like a weird kid flaws and all. Add to that people are stuck in their homes and have more time to waste online it makes sense there's a decent size backlash.

Is that the video where the guy has 20 minutes of clips from a Star Wars video game as an example of good storytelling?

Literally who fucking cares

I fucking hate "This story sucks because I would write a completely different story" online takes. It's both incredibly lazy and also really fucking egotistical.

fyi asylum being the first country you arrive in not your destination is how it works in the eu not the US
anyone can apply for asylum at the border

This thread again? For fuck's sake...

Why did you bump it then?

Home on the Range or Chickel Little are the bad ones that people still remember to hate.

Most people kind of forget or do not really notice stuff like Bolt or Rescuers Down Under even existing. There are a lot of commercial failures, or some meager successes that Disney will never bother with again or acknowledge so nobody knows they exist any longer like Dinosaur, Oliver and Company, Fox and the Hound, Brother Bear, etc that are not going to ever see any merch, or get a mention at the parks, they are just going to fade into obscurity.

>random literally who tumblrfag says dumb shit
Who cares?

How do these idiots that just divebomb their careers like this manage to get their jobs in the first place? Animation is so fucking hard to get into since you have to be working poor tying over and over again applying for years sometimes just to "Break in" which is already insane that a business one goes to school to do is something one has to Break Into already.

This has to be at least the third person who ruined their career by ranting about ridiculous shit online in the last two months now. And from a job that too many people I know keep trying to get into.

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Because you suck at art and can't draw.

Sure, that doesn't explain people like the OP, who managed to get in, only to do shit like this.