

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-11-09-16-09.png (1280x720, 640.71K)

awwww, rick? I was asleep. I was having a little morty sleep

What is this Newgrounds style bullshit?


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Unironically better than anything post-season 3 pilot

>Morty get in the car now


>hee hee aussies yell and have such funny cuss words hee hee

this is fucking worse than the Crocodile Dundee Steve irwin shit you Yanks used to put us through

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nigger it was made by Australians.

Yeah and Irwin was an Aussie and that faggot who played Dundee was too. Fuck off if they think they can spin stereotypes of the rest of us for cheap laughs, I would spit in the drink of whoever made this.

You're really pushing that meme, aren't you?

Calm tf down cobba, stereotypes are funny.

ah ye?

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suck my balls morty

suck my balls

there are funnier things about Aussies than this Reddit "hee hee shouting and cussing" shit. Also

>hee hee i'm overusing slang to let you know I'm a true (TM) fellow Aussie, you can trust me

neck yourself mutt

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Anyone else just watch this? It started off pretty meh but got good by the end

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this isn't about aussies, is about being funnier than og rick and morty. Nobody gives a shit about australian comedy

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Yeah the ending was the best part, got some laghs out of me


It felt like I was watching an animated OneyPlays.

>Yeah the ending was the best part, got some laghs out of me
Same I watched the last minute on repeat belly laughing
The thanks for watching alien subtitles and bursting out of the TV got me

>tfw you enjoyed bushland adventures better than anything from season 3 or 4

I guess it's time to let this series go

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What's wrong with season 3 and 4? i'm currently watching the show for the first time, i'm near the end of season 1

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You are a stereotype, you have nothing else


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Calm down there Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Satan all rolled into one person

>What's wrong with season 3 and 4? i'm currently watching the show for the first time, i'm near the end of season 1
Because if you watched s2-4 just once you'd know how bad it is
Think zombie Simpson's x modern southpark
Holy fuck when will it end

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Hi Rick

wOW LOOK at this newgrounds style oneycel trash by litearl nazis