Weekend Waifu Thread: Easter Edition

What would your waifu want to watch this Easter weekend? The usual biblical epic, like Ben Hur or The Ten Commandments? Maybe an Indiana Jones movie, or James Bond?

Charts welcome, just keep it civil.

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She wants to watch me yank my big pud

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Take over the Earth movies.

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That's cute

Her favorite movie is John Carter


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Fucking hell. I don't know why the /aco/ drawthread is filled with so much nagging. At least I have the waifu thread

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I think most of them are not really the type for movies. They'd prefer more active activities, I imagine.

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What a hot potato

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Nothing, because movies don't exist yet in her time

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Most of my waifus would try and watch a biblical epic because They Are High Cinema... but we'd probably fall asleep before the chariot race, and we'd end up watching Raiders of the Lost Ark. Or maybe just watch Clue on DVD.
>What if you and Tomoko-chan got ma-

We have fun in these threads, but Tomoko Kanda is a real person. There are lines I'd prefer not to cross. seriously, Yas Forums, right out the gate with THOSE kind of questions?

You're certainly a very interesting person, I'll give you that.

Probably an exploitation movie. My recommendation would be Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter

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>What kind of food or restaurant would she like?
Probably Japanese food, specifically stuff with octopus tentacles in them

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I rolled a 19 this time

>She seems sad and dejected, how do you cheer her up?

I try and tell her that she's got so many devoted fans who still read her comics and follow her religiously and then probably take her to the comic book store.

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Rolling again, *25*

>What do you buy her for Christmas?

Doujins of her favorite animated characters getting violated all over the place.

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Autism here we come!

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Rolling again *39*
>pick another girl from you chart at random. She gets envious and will try to kill both of you, what happens?

I would think that Gwenpool calls Dr. Strange for help since he has experience dealing with eldritch abominations and what happens next is a 4 issue long series of Gwenpool and Dr. Strange fighting Zone-tan which ends with Zone-tan getting sealed away in another dimension.

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Rolling again *47*
>She encounters (lewd) online fanart of herself. How does she react?

If its high quality then like pic related. If its terribly done then, with a look of horror.

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Rolling again *52*
>She needs a sparring partner. How do you hold up?

She's been trained by Batroc the leaper and Blade so I hold up terribly (it would still be pretty hot to experience though)

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Rolling again *66*
>Which Lantern Corps would recruit her?
Probably the Red Lantern corps given her reaction to banned horse show in her show, pic related.

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>First date with Milly
Local restaurant at whatever town she and Meryl are in this episode. She'd be shy as heck, openly asking me why I asked her out. I'd probably throw caution to the wind and be honest; because she's cute and pretty (I'm not telling her she's beautiful on the first date, because for 99.9999999999999999999% of women that's just creepy). Things would go well until Vash breezes through with his usual bullshit, colliding with Meryl who would be in the background, keeping an eye on me to make sure I don't try and deflower Milly on the first date. Shenanigans would ensue, but unless I'm just part of this week's plot I'd say I've got pretty a good shot at a second date.

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Rolling again *73*
>A Black Mercy plant gets its tentacles on her. What kind of illusion does it create to keep her passive? Does she figure it out by herself?

It probably makes her hallucinate having the number one best selling comic of all time and she probably needs someone's help to make her figure out that she's under an illusion.

forgot pic

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Rolling again *79*
>She breathes in some of Scarecrow's fear gas, what is she afraid of?

Pic related

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Rolling again *90*
>Pick another girl at random and merge the two (character and appearance). Describe the result

Literally just pic related

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Rolling again *99*
>What would she do in her free time? Hobbies, interests?
She obviously enjoys Hentai and I think she would probably enjoy grindhouse movies too.

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Don't got one. I'd bumfuck Toph though.

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Rolling again *100*
>Would you marry her?
The answer is obviously yes

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