ITT: shows that make Yas Forums seethe

ITT: shows that make Yas Forums seethe

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All of them.

How do I make a cartoon that sends Twitter retards into blind rage like Hazbin Hotel and Smiling Friends do?

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Anything Meatcanyon

Say faggot a bunch of times and use an edgy art style

Does twitter hate hazbin hotel? If so, why?

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something something homophobic transphobic ableist etc.

Same reasons Tumblr does
>Thinks showing something offensive is the same thing as endorsing it
>A gay person being a bad person is homophobic
>They think Viv is a pedophile zoophile racist transphobe

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Hazbin Hotel? More like Fagbin Fruitel!

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>ywn have an aryan demon gf who believes in redemption

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The show would have been alright if only they let up on the saw-toothed cheshire grinning a little.

>Hazbin Hotel

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For hazbin popularity just ensure your pilot hints at an overarching plot and "mystery" and people will eat that shit up just because it's story driven.

Wisdom. I dunno why but people, myself included, just love that shit.

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I just realised the reason twitter hates hazbin and smiling friends is because they think the creators are racist transphobes
So if you want to see success, I guess you just have to be mildly politically incorrect and make a good show that's also mildly edgy

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Samurai Jack Season 5

It's low quality and amateurish.
When edge is your only selling point, you made a bad "show".

That's the only good thing about it.

>Newgrounds Style

I liked it, I'm looking forward to the next episodes, and it makes Yas Forums-tards bleed from between their neckfat. It's really good.

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I like gay spider

Legend of Korra.

Over half a decade later and Yas Forums is still seething. I would even go so far as to say that LoK broke something in Yas Forums, because even since then, Yas Forums has developed a pathological hatred of lesbians.

i dont have a problem with korra being a lesbian, i have a problem with the show being a real disappointment coming off of last airbender


the virgin
the chad
>Haha cute spider, time to save 500 pieces of explicit fanart to my harddrive


