ITT: Superheroes being racist

Either intentionally or by accident.

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This page has always made me wonder if this problem pops up in real life BDSM communities

Just admit you wanted someone to post this one.

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There’s this thing called “raceplay,” where people get off on being called racial slurs and being treated as slaves, but it’s pretty controversial. A lot of doms/dommes will completely refuse to do it

But even outside of raceplay, are there doms that avoid black subs because the implications make them uncomfortable? I'm assuming if there are any they're very rare but I dunno, everyone has a weird hangup or two

Literally when a casual doesn't know comics

At this point I'm convinced we're being raided by facebook or something.

What else are you gonna do during quarantine?

it's not a problem, it's a bonus. calling black american submissives "slave" just makes it even hotter for everyone involved. the only people who don't like it are the sorts who just use BDSM, not for sexual gratification, but to feel like they're part of some LGBT identity group.

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would a black guy even be into slaveplay?
Unironically asking

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You don't understand how fetish work.

Is that supposed to be Wonder Woman or some obscure superhero? I think the costume is pretty sick

In bdsm communities? nah. kinky black folk will tell you if they are into raceplay up front. So its not awkward.

It can be a problem with black girls who tell their vanilla boyfriends they are into bdsm. Its the first place a lot of men's minds go.

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Sure. it happens

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Meh if it's the black guy as a slave I doubt theirs too many but a few odd balls out there. Now I guarantee theirs tons of blacks out there who like the idea of being the slave master.

My black ex-girlfriend was into raceplay, and that used to make me mighty uncomfortable. Specially because i think she was into it because she thought i would be happy with it?

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This can't be real

>not being happy with it and whipping her with your penis
Fucking faggot.

It's from a very bizarre comic book called Marville. It started as a parody of superhero comics before turning into a rant about the writer's strange beliefs about where the universe came from and how humanity evolved.

>Sorry Steve, can't let you in on our BDSM group, no one feels comfortable treating a black guy like a slave
>So you're excluding me because of the color of my skin?
>Uhhh...yeah, well our feelings come first

Changed the name but this basically happened to me.

This one's hilarious, but I wonder how DC was okay with Superman being presented as a racist dumbass.

It's Wonder Woman. That's from volume 2 of Earth One.

I'm Latino and into BDSM. I really don't see why it would be a problem as long as the two parties are consenting. I'd imagine plenty of black Americans who are into BDSM are also into slave and raceplay. There are plenty of pics at least.

There's a really important part about BDSM scenes. Unless the parties involved already know each other, there's a stage called "negotiation". Here both parties talk about what they're into and not into before starting the scene.

You'd know if someone was into race play before you get started. Almost all BDSM scenes have a Master and a Submissive.

You gotta realize, the BDSM community is very broad an open minded.

I mean, you gotta be to do all the stuff we do.

If a dom is going to avoid someone black, most likely it's because they are racist or don't like blacks. A Dom/Master is not going to avoid you because you like being called racially charged names.

It's all part of the game and whatever pushes the envelope is what's most exciting.

This is pure racism. And it sucks that in such a LGTB heavy and supposedly "open minded" community that you'd be excluded like that. Sorry to hear it friend.

Yes, there are plenty of people of all races who are into slave play.

You're making assumptions by using stereotypes. While the image depiction of the black "bull" is a thing, it's also not the only thing. There are tons of effeminate, skinny, non gender conforming blacks in the world. And even that doesn't mean you can force them into a "sub" or "dom" category.

Humans are more complex than that.

It's Wondie. You should have seen how Yas Forums raged when it was shown on a preview.

The main goal of all "subs" is to make their master happy. If it made you so uncomfortable then you're probably not a good master.

Too bad you're not still together. A lot of people say that being a master must come naturally, but I think it's something that can be learned.

>Black Steve Trevor.

I remember Grant saying that he made Steve Trevor black because he could never believe that the white, pasty blond Steve could ever entice or compete with Wondy. Mighty troll that Grant.

Shit that's pretty rough man.

The main goal of all doms is to make their sub happy user.
It's a mutual relationship but the power unspokenly lies with the sub. They can stop whatever the plan is at any given time. If you think the dom is the true power in a relationship you're viewing BDSM from the outside.