Is Ted Kord stronger and smarter than Batman ?

Is Ted Kord stronger and smarter than Batman ?

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He's slightly out of shape and has a heart condition so I'm gonna say no. He survived getting his ass kicked by Doomsday though so he's got that going for him.

>heart condition

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Straight from one who knew them both.

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No but he's less of a cunt which goes a long way, and he's way less paranoid

By logic, yes.
But you know how DC has to wank Batman

Damn what issue is this? Guy helping mentor Jaime in Ted's memory is super wholesome

Such a great detective he got shot in the head by Maxwell Lord

what''s the point of his helmet then

What are you talking about? Ted Kord killed himself

I'm still mad.

He's a damn sight more likeable at any rate.

Also, The Bug > Batmobile.


Was Ted ever touted as a detective? There's pbviously some overlap when it comes to crimefighting, but it's not like Superman or Green Arrow are considered detectives.

Batman isn't paranoid, and no version of the character has even been paranoid, in fact, no capeshit character by definition can be paranoid given the context.

Stronger, no. Smarter is harder to say, Ted was a better scientist than Bruce, but he's not usually a detective.

Not until that specific story. Elongated Man was the detective in JLI, Ted was the scientist.

>Batman isn't paranoid

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He isnt, but you don't know what paranoid means. You can't be paranoid in capeshit.
>Ted was a better scientist than Bruce, but he's not usually a detective.
He wasn't, Ray Palmer was, Ted is on a lower level than Negriffic, Ray and Bruce

Stronger, no. Smarter, yes. But he didn't look down on people for not being smarter and ate shit trying to protect others from Doomsday, which is why Guy always respected him.
Ted's whole deal was that he was smarter than what people thought he was in other areas than science/invention. He was not the best at detective work but he learned from Dan Garrett (The first Blue Beetle who was an adventuring archeologist and detective) and way more competent than let on.

How does he uses to super intellect to fight crime then?

Green Arrow was featured in several issues of Detective Comics where he must solve the mystery of the day

Every fear Batman's ever had has come to pass in some way.
I'd say he's rightfully cautious.

Yeah, you can't be paranoid in a world that is threatened by mind control, evil doppelgangers, alternative timelines, parallel universes, clones, demonic possession, shapeshifters, white martians, guys like triumph and hal jordan, fear bugs, anti-life. Etc. The meme that batman is paranoid makes no fucking sense.

This moment was such a bullshit because Guy hated Ted and would always try to make his life a living hell.

>Batman isn't paranoid

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No, but almost, he has ted kord industies.

>Every fear Batman's ever had has come to pass in some way.
That doesn't mean he isn't paranoid. That just gives him a motive for being so. The fact is Batman doesn't know he's in a comic book and he doesn't have in universe justification for his specific parnaoias beyond simply being burned before (which isn't real supporting evidence).

Batman is still alive because he assumes that everyone will try to kill him at some point. His paranoia is the selling point, seeing him beat someone because of insane prep/detective work is the entire draw.

Not sure what issue, but it's Giffen's Blue Beetle

Rogers you mean, Giffen only co-wrote the first couple issues, kinda like Fraction/Brubaker on IIF

>He was not the best at detective work

How can he not be ? If he's so smart he can do deductive reasoning based on his observations and knowledge

It was just antics. They pranked each other and Guy acted rough around the edges because he's Guy and that's what he does but they were still teammates and friends.

God damn I do miss Rogers

>He’s never had a friend that flings shit at him, with user flinging shit back

There was legit hatred between them. Specially coming from Guy.

This just makes me hate the Rebirth Blue Beetle run even more. I seriously hated how Ted and Jaime were characterized.

>He thinks Guy isn’t like that with everyone
On top of that, disliking someone doesn’t mean you don’t respect them. You can still respect someone’s capabilities and not like them.