>t. DOOM

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>t. DOOM

Attached: Doom meets Kang.png (1006x1850, 2.62M)

I mean this whole thing was basically the new supervillain nation on the block trying to shine on the OG of the setting, he deserves to tell them to fuck themselves.

Its not like he couldn't match their wonder cures and other nonsense they are peddling with his own comicbook superscience and sorcery, so they have literally nothing to offer Latveria in return for being able to act unopposed.

Truly the character Yas Forums don't deserve

>Fuck your 'We're all better, even Joey Saladnose whos mutation is that he's 1 of your 5 a day, literally the ubermensch compared to humanity' bullshit
>Meritocracy is a hierarchy and DOOM is at the apex of it

Mutants are cunts.
And they like to pretend their PR squad filled with all the super models with major powers is the endpoint of their unnatural space science-project kind.
While quietly pushing the freaks & losers to the side.

Attached: Longneck_ mutant power is he has a slighttly longer neck.jpg (304x512, 64.98K)

Attached: Ugly_John_Earth-616_from_New_X-Men_Vol_1_115.png (809x600, 236.73K)

Doom is based as fuck. In Savage Avengers he meets Conan and invites him to eat. Conan asks why he doesnt removes his mask and Doom answers honestly and Conan is all like "So you are a vain fuck?" and Doom recognizes it, removes his mask and starts to eat too. Pretty chad from both sides in my opinion

I can't help but feel like the purpose of the X-Men has gotten lost at some point recently. They used to be minorities fighting for justice, now they're extremists constantly trying to establish a an unassailable country.

Technically they were always a borderline cult with a racial militia. But the problem with neverending comicbook universes is everything gets played out and goes to shit eventually. In becoming played out they just became a tool for shit writers to be 'topical' with whatever minority they considered to be 'in' at the moment.