>revolutionizes the entire medium in your path
Revolutionizes the entire medium in your path
>*gets completely overrated in your path*
Filtered. Have sex
He's not overrated, he does live up to the hype for the most part (Neonomicon/Providence notwithstanding).
>does a few good things 40 years ago and then does nothing but absolute shit for decades in your path
I liked Providence
Better than Claremont, who gets wanked to Hell and back when all he did was inject some shitty social commentary and fetishes into Capeshit.
that's not Scott Snyder
Ultra cringe
Can moorefags please get cancer?
>ganks your style and improves your aesthetic in your path
>forced meme reply
As expected of moorefags.
Absolutely seething
Woah based
>writes stories for corporate machines
>gets pissed corporate machines keep the story.
Also his stuff at 2000ad was shite. Just saying.
Not really, a lot of his arguements both in comics and his IRL life are boilerplate trite he's more Yas Forumsntrarian than anything else. Just like many subversives before him, he says one thing and does another, blind to his own hypocrisy and it's repercussions because he sees himself as a perpetual victim.
>Preaching Anarchy but makes two parodies of "bad" Anarchy that are taken as unironically correct.
Moore thinks anyone who mimics or idolizes anything about Rorschach & V are insane lunatics and "not true anarchists". However both sides he claims to despise adore these characters and still buy his merch. Antifa/Che Guverra wannabes LARP as V and Yas Forums LARPs as Rorschach.
>Constant hypocrisy on how capitalism bad/socialism good, the human condition, and Anarchy is the only way to truly live.
Moore has every right to bilk Yas Forums and /leftypol/ like the paypiggies they are but he has constant claimed that there's no conspiracy behind the world's issues and we just have shitty leaders playing both sides to line their pockets while soothsaying sophistry.
>He's also gone on to say humans are innately selfish, cruel, and conniving while highlighting that in books such as Crossed/Watchmen/Providence/etc. Socialism/Communism only works in a utopia where everyone does their fair share for the proletariat without falling for tribalism, greed, and adherence to religious dogma. Moore worships a dead snake god, joined a druid cult where he was so lazy/inattentive to his fellow cultists needs that his two hippie wives left him for each other/kicked him out of the commune, and advocated/voted Labour while he posted a manifesto saying he's an agent of chaos, voting doesn't matter, and Brexit bad because Drumpf/Boris. He voted against an Anarchist stepping stone just to be Yas Forumsntrarian.
Moore first believe in anything anymore. He's a burnout Yas Forumsntrarian projecting his insecurities onto the world with his works, propagating the bad habits he claims to despise.
Frank Miller did it before and did it better
Warren Ellis overtook him as the best british invasion writer
Mark Waid is a better writer and far more important to the history of the comic book industry
Sounds pretty based ngl
Has absolutely nothing in his repertoire that’s remotely close (in aesthetic or quality) to From Hell or Swamp Thing
Hack who got lucky with Transmet because he can write funny insults
Kek now I know you’re fucking joking
You're dumb. Miller's Daredevil shits on Swampy and Sin City shits on From Hell
Ellis gets lucky every time he writes something, by your logic
Waidhas contributed more to comics as an editor, writer and EIC and he was never ashamed of writing comics like Moore. Kingdom Come>Watchmen and Moore never wrote a comic book for as long as Waid wrote Flash and maintained such a high quality throughout it all
He seems to not understand the idea of fantasy itself. As a concept or entity. Stating that super heroes would be psychotics in the real world is so fucking obvious that I wonder why he ever thought it needed to be pointed out at any point in time. People assume there has to be something he's saying other than the self apparent
rather than just being the out of touch boomer he's always been. His audience is literally smarter than he is and don't even realize it.
>He's also gone on to say humans are innately selfish, cruel, and conniving
He's not wrong, but people like Moore have sold their souls for petty comfort and fame and self delusions. Sold their ability to improve themselves beyond their most basic state of being, and thus are unable to understand that other people can overcome those flaws if they try.
>Stating that super heroes would be psychotics in the real world is so fucking obvious
>he says 40 years after the fact...
Also shit like this
>He seems to not understand the idea of fantasy itself
Exposes you as a manchild
Kingdom Come>Watchmen
holy moly
> Miller's Daredevil shits on Swampy and Sin City shits on From Hell
bet you think The Boys is top notch comics too.
>Miller's Daredevil shits on Swampy
i like Miller' DD as much as the next guy but this is wrong
>Has absolutely nothing in his repertoire that’s remotely close (in aesthetic or quality) to From Hell or Swamp Thing
Unironically, dead seriously, not joking at all: blow your motherfucking brains out and fucking stream it you baiting faggot. Whether you believe this or said it as bait in sick of you puddle-deep, freshman-year-of-high-schoo philosophers.
Nothing Moore wrote will ever flow or entertain as much as frank did with mazzucchelli in born again. He layered watchmen as best he could with gibbons and yet born again is ABSURDLY more layered. Moore will never write or draw ANYTHING even half as interesting as sin city or Ronin. He doesn't understand city life, he's a soft little bitch who grew up smoking dope and waxing poetic about a world he never truly experience.
Morrison's crackpot shit at the very least helped him grow. Moore is a fucking self-obsessed dolt with the delusions of a high schooler with a severe sense of entitlement. And if you really think From Hell is the hill to die on here then you're a Yas Forumsntrarian who read a storytime and conflated your enjoyment with a measure of quality.
Moore is like Orson Wells. His influences and ideas are now fucking everywhere, so people can't even imagine a specific medium without them and thus think less of the man who did them first and arguably still best.
Whether you believe this or said it as bait in sick of you puddle-deep, freshman-year-of-high-schoo philosophers.
Nice nonarguement.
Oh it's an argument, you're simply too dumb to see it.
You'd have to be retarded to think this. The shit miller and mazzucchelli do with layouts and split narratives and timing and sequential progressions and detailing in the background. People slob on Moore and gibbons for a comic that intentionally subdued how good of an artist Dave is. I find that usually it's casuals who don't know how good gibbons is outside of watchmen that think it's spectacular. And the details and clues aren't HALF as deep and well layered as the allegorical flourishes and signs psychological unraveling.
I guess. Unsure why a newfag who can't even properly greentext is even posting yet rather than lurking.
Your "argument" is an insult toward user. "You're childishly dumb". Insults are not arguments. Ironically children are usually the ones who make this mistake.
Calm down, sperglord. Ultimately Born Again is just well done capeshit but it's still heavy handed, still has teenager tier purple prose, still falls upon itself in the final act and Kingpin is an awful villain.
They do some nice visual things but nothing on the level of Watchmen.
Holy based Millerchads
>Your "argument" is an insult toward user
If you say something stupid, you get called stupid
>dude how the fuck did people think the earth is in the center of the universe lmao
Just dumb self centered comments.
And teag, grow the fuck up with your "b-but I need my comfy escapism aaaahhh", you sound like the typical self absorbed asshile whining about shit and posting on twitter cri ge shit like "about to do some adulting" when you decide to vacuum.
>Ultimately Watchmen is just well done capeshit but it's still heavy handed
>If you say something stupid, you get called stupid
I don't care.
Calling an insult an argument is stupid, manchild.
Do you think that a single communist hippie is the first person in human existence to realize drawings on a page are not real, or do you think it's more likely most people inherently understands fantasy is not reality?
Once again you bring only insults. Not a point to argue.
>And teag, grow the fuck up with your "b-but I need my comfy escapism aaaahhh", you sound like the typical self absorbed asshile whining about shit and posting on twitter cri ge shit like "about to do some adulting" when you decide to vacuum.
Also, speak English and learn to use the site. I'm not that user.
I detailed the argument further. You truly are too stupid.
Kills me when moorefags intentionally ignore all the comics they don't read because they don't have "fanciful prose" (it really isn't) as if that matters in SEQUENTIAL ART.
>you sound like
Isn't an argument dumbass.
Do you understand the difference between an insult and a topical point? Sincere question.
>Stating that super heroes would be psychotics in the real world is so fucking obvious that I wonder why he ever thought it needed to be pointed out at any point in time
And yet the comic is the most celebrated, popular and critically acclaimed one the medium has ever seen. Could you be wrong? Nah, it's everyone else that's wrong. Everyone's so stupid, everyone but you!
It's not popular because it pointed out that real life super heroing is a bad idea.
>born again
DUDE Matt Murdock is like Jesus bros lmao!!
>sin city
DUDE film noir tropes but le edgy
Miller’s a better visual artist than writer and you’re an idiot
Give him a dollar to fuck off out of my way.
Says you.
Moore is assmad precisely cause his fanbase doesn't understand what he's trying to tell them. Which even came up in the thread already.
You’re further argument was “I LIKE THIS BETTER” using bullshit terms like “flow” and “layered” while providing no real examples or citing anything at all.
Millerfags absolutely struggling to stay abreast here.
Neither is shit like
>He seems to not understand the idea of fantasy itself
You do not get to decide what fiction is supposed to be, you self centered jackass. You are not an authority figure. You're just an idiot.
I never said this.
I've told you multiple times I was simply pointing out that you're trying to take a position of superiority while referring to an insult as an argument.
DUDE what if capes were like real life but only if that real life is also completely fictionalized
>lost girls
DUDE what if cheese pizza is actually art!?
>I never said this.
You either did or you're defending someone that did. Now shut the fuck up, you cretin.
Alright kek’d at that lost girls bit
you’re still wrong though
>the comic is the most celebrated, popular and critically acclaimed one the medium has ever seen.
>what is Maus
>what is Contract with God
>what is year one/born again/tdkr
>what is cerebus
Moorefags are ALWAYS insufferable casuals.
Funny thing is you would and will appreciate it more and yet understand its overrated if and when you read more comics.
Those aren't as celebrated though. What kind of a retard are you?
>y-you're wrong
Prove that. Defend your point.
You've reduced one I reduced the other. Moore could never create Sin City, couldn't even imagine writing it. He's not half as talented as frank. He can't write city life because he doesn't understand the bluntness.
illiterate prick...
>or you're defending someone that did
>what is year one/born again/tdkr
Capeshit. Bland capeshit.
Not him but I gotta agree you sound pretty new to the hobby.
All of those listed are held in high esteem and sell/sold comparably. By all metrics they're just as highly regarded you just haven't read them.
Nah that'd be watchmen. Capeshit isn't bland and claiming frank Miller is BLAND of all things is honestly just completely misplaced. Maybe you think it's childish - I'm unsure why - or brutish but I sincerely don't understand how someone can call millers daredevil and Batman "bland" in defense of watchmen - a comic that was INTENTIONALLY made to be bland.
>doesn't understand how to use the site
>refers to user as one person when specifically told multiple times it was a different user
>calls someone else illiterate
Normies are the worst. Just go back.
>to the hobby.
Watchmen isn't just celebrated in your little comic book bubble. Do your research.
>Capeshit isn't bland
This isn't a site. And for the third and last time, even if you are a different person you are still defending the moron that said that shit, you fucking mongoloid. Last (You) for your sorry ass.
Number of times Alan Moore ripped off Robert Mayer’s Superfolks: three times (Marvelman, Watchmen, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow), four times if you count his unpublished Twilight of the Superheroes pitch
Number of times Frank Miller ripped off Robert Mayer’s Superfolks: zero
Number of times Grant Morrison ripped off Robert Mayer’s Superfolks: zero
Number of times Warren Ellis ripped off Robert Mayer’s Superfolks: zero
Number of times Mark Waid ripped off Robert Mayer’s Superfolks: zero
I like his stuff, but god is he a fucking sperglord holy shit.
>you can understand what makes watchmen good without understanding the medium
Dead up what're you doing here? You have no clue what you're talking about and seem to think being a casual is a mark of superiority.
You don't even regard Contract with God highly and to me hats truly sad. Moore himself would be disappointed. And that isn't hyperbole.
Tell me what do you think of the ending of watchmen?
I mean it isn't. One could say vapid or maybe juvenile but calling it bland is like referring to an explosion as boring.
>this isn't a site
What did she mean by this?
Explosions are boring.
First off fuck you to the fucking faggot reporting me for calling you a spic. You come here and shit it up and then start reporting people? Kill yourself beaner.
This is a very weird defense of a comic that was specifically scripted to make capeshit more bland for the sake of realism.
Lol sure, and conversations are wildly bombastic.
It's an imageboard, son.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yas Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yas Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...